Notes in PBL Week 3

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Published 09/14/2023 What is the liver response to increase levels of glucose?
Published 09/14/2023 {{c1::Glycolysis}} and {{c1::glycogen synthesis}} are both stimulated by insulin when glucose is {{c2::high}} in the blood 
Published 09/14/2023 In a high glucose state, insulin inhibits {{c1::gluconeogenesis}} and {{c1::glycogenolysis }}
Published 09/14/2023 Explain the varied sensitivities and specificities of diabetes tests (fasting blood glucose, HbA1c, oral glucose)
Published 09/14/2023 How does skeletal muscle respond effectively to high levels of glucose? 
Published 09/14/2023 What lab results/test are typical for a patient in a hyperosmolar/hyperglycemic state (HHS)?
Published 09/14/2023 Compare and contrast diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperglycemic/hyperosmolar (HHS).
Published 09/14/2023 How does insufficient insulin action lead to hyperglycemia and osmolarity? 
Published 09/14/2023 Signal transduction pathway of insulin receptor binding
Published 09/14/2023 RTK Mechanism (general overview)
Published 09/14/2023 PI3K pathway (steps)
Published 09/14/2023 MOA of metformin
Published 09/14/2023 a120c48056d04d54bf11f413c6ff5511-oa-1
Published 09/14/2023 a120c48056d04d54bf11f413c6ff5511-oa-2
Published 09/14/2023 a120c48056d04d54bf11f413c6ff5511-oa-3
Published 09/14/2023 a120c48056d04d54bf11f413c6ff5511-oa-4
Published 09/14/2023 a120c48056d04d54bf11f413c6ff5511-oa-5
Published 09/14/2023 a120c48056d04d54bf11f413c6ff5511-oa-6
Published 09/14/2023 a120c48056d04d54bf11f413c6ff5511-oa-7
Published 09/14/2023 a120c48056d04d54bf11f413c6ff5511-oa-8
Published 09/14/2023 a120c48056d04d54bf11f413c6ff5511-oa-9
Published 09/14/2023 a120c48056d04d54bf11f413c6ff5511-oa-10
Published 09/14/2023 a120c48056d04d54bf11f413c6ff5511-oa-11
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