Notes in Integumentary System

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Published 01/18/2025 The {{c1::epidermis}} is the most superficial layer of the skin and is {{c1::avascular::vascular or avascular}}. 
Published 01/18/2025 {{c1::Keratinocytes::cell?}} convert UV rays to vitamin D. 
Published 01/18/2025 To lose/dissipate heat, blood vessels {{c1::dilate::dilate or constrict?}} and sweat glands secrete sweat. 
Published 01/18/2025 To conserve heat, blood vessels in the dermis {{c1::constrict::dilate or constrict?}} and blood is shunted deeper. 
Published 01/18/2025 The epidermis consists of {{c1::4}} or {{c1::5}} specific layers depending on whether the skin is thin or thick.
Published 01/18/2025 {{c1::Epidermal ridges}} are rounded projections that interlock with the dermis. 
Published 01/18/2025 In {{c1::stratified squamous}} epithelium, superficial cells are flattened and deeper cells are cuboidal. 
Published 01/18/2025 The epidermis is {{c1::keratinized::keratinized or nonkeratinized?}} stratified squamous epithelium. 
Published 01/18/2025 In {{c1::nonkeratinized::keratinized or nonkeratinized?}}, most superficial cells are alive and kept moist. It is commonly located in the oral ca…
Published 01/18/2025 The dermis consists of {{c1::dense irregular}} connective tissue and some {{c1::areolar}} connective tissue. It is {{c1::vascular::vasc…
Published 01/18/2025 {{c1::Dermal papillae}} are projections that interlock with the epidermal ridges. 
Published 01/18/2025 Areolar connective tissue is composed of {{c1::fibroblasts::cells?}} and is {{c1::vascular::vascular or avascular}}. 
Published 01/18/2025 Areolar connective tissue has {{c1::more::more or less}} ground substance than dense irregular tissue. 
Published 01/18/2025 The subcutaneous layer is composed of {{c1::areolar}} connective tissue and {{c1::adipose}} connective tissue. 
Published 01/18/2025 {{c1::Keratinocytes}} are the most numerous cell of the epidermis (90%) and are found throughout all layers. 
Published 01/18/2025 What is the lifecycle of keratinocytes?
Published 01/18/2025 {{c1::Melanocytes}} compose about 8% of the cells in the skin, and are found only in the stratum basale. 
Published 01/18/2025 Tactile/merkel cells are found in the {{c1::stratum basale::layer of epidermis?}} and aid in {{c1::touch sensation}}. 
Published 01/18/2025 Epidermal dendritic cells are found in the {{c1::stratum spinosum}}, and their role is to phagocytize bacteria and foreign debris. 
Published 01/18/2025 The stratum basale is composed of {{c1::cuboidal/columnar::shape?}} keratinocytes but other common cell types include {{c1::tactile cells}} and&n…
Published 01/18/2025 What is the predominant shape of cells in the stratum spinosum?
Published 01/18/2025 {{c1::Keratinization}} is the process where the nucleus shrivels up, the cell dies, and the cell fills up with the protein keratin. 
Published 01/18/2025 Keratinocytes begin to undergo keratinization in the {{c1::stratum granulosum::epidermal layer?}}. 
Published 01/18/2025 The stratum granulosum is composed of {{c1::3-5 layers of flattened keratinocytes}}. 
Published 01/18/2025 The {{c1::stratum lucidum::epidermal layer?}} is only seen in thick skin. It is composed of {{c1::2-3::number?}} layers of pale, flattened, …
Published 01/18/2025 The {{c1::stratum corneum}} is the most superficial layer of the epidermis and is composed of {{c1::20-30::number?}} of dead, anucleate kera…
Published 01/18/2025 The two layers of the dermis are the {{c1::papillary}} layer which is on top, and the {{c1::reticular}} layer which is on bottom. 
Published 01/18/2025 The {{c1::papillary}} layer of the dermis contains the dermal papillae, while the {{c1::reticular}} layer of the dermis contains the secreto…
Published 01/18/2025 Hair is associated with {{c1::sebacous glands::structure?}} and {{c1::arrector pili muscles::structure?}}.
Published 01/18/2025 Exocrine glands are found in the secretory portions of the {{c1::reticular}} layer of the dermis. 
Published 01/18/2025 Sebacous (oil) glands are {{c1::holocrine::merocrine, apocrine, or holocrine?}} glands. 
Published 01/19/2025 The subcutaneous/hypodermal layer of the skin is {{c1::vascular::vascular or avascular?}}.
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