Notes in Lecture 08

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Published 03/09/2024 Define an antigen.
Published 03/09/2024 Describe properties of a good antigen.
Published 03/09/2024 Define hapten and carrier.
Published 03/09/2024 Briefly explain an immunological response to a hapten-carrierand give an example of a clinically relevant situation ofhapten-carrier complex.
Published 03/09/2024 Define autoantigens and give a few examples.
Published 03/09/2024 What triggers adaptive immunity? how is this different from innate immunity?
Published 03/09/2024 What is autoantigen? 
Published 03/09/2024 What is antigenicity?
Published 03/09/2024 What is a epitope?
Published 03/09/2024 What is cross reactivity of antigens?
Published 03/09/2024 What are some triggers of adaptive immunity?
Published 03/09/2024 What are some bacterial antigens that trigger adaptive immunity?
Published 03/09/2024 What are some viral antigens that trigger adaptive immunity?
Published 03/09/2024 What are some "other microbial antigens" that trigger adaptive immunity?
Published 03/09/2024 What are some NON-microbial antigens" that trigger adaptive immunity?
Published 03/09/2024 What are the factors influencing antigenicity? 
Published 03/09/2024 How does size influence antigenicity? 
Published 03/09/2024 How does foreignness influence antigenicity? 
Published 03/09/2024 How does complexity influence antigenicity? 
Published 03/09/2024 Give an example of an antigen with poor antigenicity?
Published 03/09/2024 Are large, repating polymers such as lipids, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, good antigens? why or why not?
Published 03/09/2024 Are flexible molecules such as flagellin or gelatin good antigens? Why or why not?
Published 03/09/2024 What can enhance stability molecules such as flagellin or gelatin?
Published 03/09/2024 How antigenic are the properties of stainless steel and plastics? explain
Published 03/09/2024 How does stability influence antigenicity? 
Published 03/09/2024 Explain Epitopes / Antigenic Determinants and how they vary?
Published 03/09/2024 Define Immunodominant epitope? 
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