Notes in 03 Substance Misuse

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Published 09/03/2024 One complication of vitamin {{c2::B1}} deficiency is {{c1::Wernicke-Korsakoff}} syndrome
Published 09/03/2024 Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is characterized by a triad of {{c1::ophthalmoplegia}}, {{c2::ataxia}}, and {{c3::confusion}}
Published 09/03/2024 Is the memory loss associated with Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome temporary or permanent? {{c1::Permanent}}
Published 09/03/2024 {{c2::Korsakoff}} syndrome is a late manifestion of Wernicke encephalopathy characterized by {{c1::confabulations}}, irreversible memory loss, an…
Published 09/03/2024 Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is characterized by:- damage {{c1::bi}}laterally to the {{c1::mammillary bodies}} - periventricular hemorrhagic lesions to…
Published 09/03/2024 Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is associated with {{c1::thiamine (B1)}} deficiency and excessive {{c2::alcohol}} use
Published 09/03/2024 Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome can be precipitated by giving {{c1::glucose}} without B1 to a B1 deficient patient
Published 09/03/2024 Korsakoff syndrome causes both retro- and anterograde amnesia, however, {{c1::anterograde}} amnesia is more prominent
Published 09/03/2024 {{c1::Tactile}} hallucinations are common in {{c2::alcohol}} withdrawal and stimulant use (e.g. cocaine, amphetamines)
Published 06/17/2024 Benzodiazepines {{c1::enhance::enhance or inhibit}} the action of GABAA 
Published 06/17/2024 {{c2::Benzodiazepines}} increase Cl- conductance by increasing the {{c1::frequency::frequency or duration}} of channel opening
Published 09/03/2024 Non-specific symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, such as anxiety, insomnia, and tremors, typically occur after {{c1::3}} - {{c1::36}} hours
Published 06/17/2024 Long-acting {{c1::benzodiazepines}} are useful in the treatment of {{c2::alcohol}} withdrawal (if no cirrhosis or {{c2::alcoholic}} hepatitis)
Published 09/03/2024 Whichdrug intoxication presents as emotional lability, slurred speech, ataxia, and blackouts? {{c1::Alcohol}}
Published 09/03/2024 Serum {{c1::γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT)}} is a sensitive indicator of alcohol use
Published 09/03/2024 What symptoms of alcohol withdrawal occur during the 3 - 36 hour time period? {{c1::Non-specific depressant withdrawal symptoms}}
Published 09/03/2024 What symptoms of alcohol withdrawal occur during the 6 - 48 hour time period? {{c1::Withdrawal seizures}}
Published 09/03/2024 The seizures of alcohol withdrawal usually occur {{c1::6}} to {{c1::48}} hours after the last drink
Published 09/03/2024 What symptoms of alcohol withdrawal occur during the 12 - 48 hour time period? {{c1::Alcoholic hallucinosis (usually visual)}}
Published 09/03/2024 What symptoms of alcohol withdrawal may occur during the 48 - 96 hour time period? {{c1::Delirium tremens (5% of cases)}}
Published 09/03/2024 Delirium tremens is characterized by autonomic {{c1::hyper}}-activity
Published 09/03/2024 Delirium tremens is characterized by electrolyte disturbances and respiratory {{c1::alkalosis::acidosis or alkalosis}}
Published 09/03/2024 Delirium tremens classically occurs in a(n) {{c1::hospital}} setting
Published 09/03/2024 What is the treatment for delirium tremens? {{c1::Benzodiazepines}}
Published 06/17/2024 What drug intoxication presents as pupillary dilation, grandiosity, hypertension, and paranoia that lasts for multiple hours? {{c1::Amphetamines}}
Published 06/17/2024 What drug intoxication presents as violence, psychomotor agitation, analgesia, and nystagmus? {{c1::Phencyclidine (PCP)}}
Published 06/17/2024 What eye movement is associated with phencyclidine (PCP) intoxication? {{c1::Nystagmus}}
Published 06/17/2024 What is the most common complication of PCP intoxication? {{c1::Trauma}}
Published 06/17/2024 What is the treatment for PCP intoxication? {{c1::Benzodiazepines}}, {{c2::rapid-acting antipsychotics}}
Published 06/17/2024 What drug intoxication presents as perceptual distortion (visual, auditory), depersonalization, and possible flashbacks? {{c1::LSD (lysergic acid…
Published 06/17/2024 What drug intoxication presents as conjunctival injection, tachycardia, increased appetite, paranoid delusions, and dry mouth? {{c1::Marijuana}}
Published 06/17/2024 Marijuana withdrawal may cause irritability, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and {{c1::decreased}} appetite
Published 06/17/2024 What is the pharmaceutical form of marijuana? {{c1::Dronabinol}}
Published 06/17/2024 Dronabinol (medical marijuana) is used clinically as a(n) {{c1::antiemetic}} for chemotherapy
Published 06/17/2024 Dronabinol (medical marijuana) is used clinically as a(n) {{c1::appetite stimulant}} for AIDS patients
Published 06/17/2024 What drug intoxication presents as disinhibition, heightened emotional/tactile sensation, and teeth clenching? {{c1::MDMA (ecstasy)}}
Published 06/17/2024 Life-threatening effects of MDMA (ecstasy) include hyperthermia and {{c1::hyponatremia::Na+ levels}} 
Published 06/17/2024 Life-threatening effects of MDMA (ecstasy) include {{c1::serotonin}} syndrome
Published 06/17/2024 Long-term pharmacologic treatment of alcoholism may include {{c1::disulfiram}}, which acts a deterrent
Published 09/03/2024 Long-term pharmacologic treatment of alcoholism may include {{c1::naltrexone}} or {{c2::acamprosate}}, which reduce cravings
Published 06/17/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a young male that presents with irritability, aggressive behavior, and gynecomastia with isolated polycythemia on labo…
Published 06/17/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a young male that presents with several months of agitation and irritability? On physical exam, the patient has a rece…
Published 09/03/2024 Phencyclidine (PCP) is a hallucinogen that works primarily as a(n) {{c1::NMDA}} receptor {{c1::antagonist}}
Published 06/17/2024 Anabolic steroid use leads to hypogonadism{{c1::T::T/F}}
Published 06/17/2024 Androgen abuse presents with {{c1::normal}} body hair
Published 06/17/2024 DHEA, DHEAS, and androstenedione are {{c1::weak}} androgens
Published 06/21/2024 Principles of doping{{c1::Cycling}}: fixed doses at regular intervals followed by abstaining{{c1::Stacking}}: combining the use of several steroids at…
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