Notes in 08_Complex Needs and Cerebral Palsy

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Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Complex needs}} is a child with multiple and complex disabilities has at least two different types of severe or profound impairment such that no…
Published 02/10/2024 A child or young person (<19) is defined as having Complex Exceptional Needs (CEN) if: {{c1::Severe impairment in at least 4 categories togeth…
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Cerebral Palsy}} is a {{c2::permanent and non-progressive motor disorder due to brain damage before birth or during the first 2 years of life.}}
Published 02/10/2024 Classification of {{c2::Cerebral Palsy}} is via the {{c1::Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS)}}
Published 02/10/2024 Hip displacement occurs in {{c1::1/3}} of children with Cerebral Palsy
Published 02/10/2024 Assessment and monitoring tool of Cerebral Palsy is {{c1::Gait analysis}}
Published 02/10/2024 Assessment of risk of Hip Dislocation in Cerebral PalsyThe higher the {{c1::GMFCS}} score = the higher the risk of {{c1::Hip Dislocation}}
Published 02/10/2024 Management of Hip Problems in Cerebral Palsy{{c1::Early surgical intervention}} leads to better long-term outcome
Published 02/10/2024 Medications for {{c1::Generalised}} Spasticity Management in Cerebral Palsy{{c2::Baclofen Oral}} {{c2::Diazepam}}
Published 02/10/2024 Medications for {{c1::Localised}} Spasticity Management in Cerebral Palsy{{c2::Botulinum toxin}}{{c2::Baclofen (intra-thecal pump)…
Published 02/10/2024 Surgical Intervention in Cerebral Palsy{{c1::Soft tissue release (Adductors & Hamstrings)}}{{c1::Bony realignment (Varus Derotation Osteotomy &amp…
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