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Published 02/10/2024 All Metabolic pathways (Glycolysis, Beta-Oxidation, Nitrogen Metabolism, Citric Acid Cycle) lead to the production of reduced reactants that act as el…
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::Mitochondria}} is the site of oxidative phosphorylation in eukaryotic cells• It allows the coupling of the oxidation of carbon fuels to ATP …
Published 02/10/2024 NADH and FADH2 have to be in the {{c1::mitochondrial matrix}} for oxidative phosphorylation to begin.The majority of NADH and FADH2 is forme…
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::glycerol-3-phosphate shuttle}} allows the NADH synthesized in the cytosol by glycolysis to contribute to the oxidative phosphorylation …
Published 02/10/2024 How is an energetic price paid through cytosolic NADH using the Glycerol phosphate shuttle?
Published 02/10/2024 The Electron Transport Chain:A game of hot potato (using electrons) passing them around 4 complexes until it reaches O2 as the final electro…
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Ubiquinone or CoenzymeQ10 or Q10}} is a coenzyme present in the electron transport chain, it has 10 isoprene repeats, it is a dietary …
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Chemiosmosis}} is the movement of protons from the mitochondria matrix to the intermembrane of the mitochondria as electrons pass through the co…
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::ATP synthase}} is a large multi-unit protein complex that allows protons from the mitochondrial intermembrane to pass through, releasing energy …
Published 02/10/2024 What's the importance of the conformational changes (Binding Change Mechanism) in ATP Synthase? and how are they produced?
Published 02/10/2024 Explain the following diagram:
Published 02/10/2024 Why does an FADH2 molecule produce less ATP than NADH?
Published 02/10/2024 Describe what is meant by 'electron transport chain is uncoupled to ATP synthase'Give an example of a disease that does that:
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Malignant hyperthermia}} is a disease caused by ‘leaky’ mitochondrial membranes that uncouple electron transport and ATP synthase.
Published 02/10/2024 The conformational changes in beta subunits of F1 catalyse the {{c1::formation}} of ATP.The proton gradient drives the {{c1::release}} of ATP and is r…
Published 02/10/2024 Norepinephrine triggers the opening of a channel in a protein called {{c1::thermogenin}} in brown fat cells, which drives the protons into the mitocho…
Published 02/10/2024 Simple Summary of metabolism.
Published 02/10/2024 Why is ubiquinone taken as a dietary supplement?
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Cytochome C}} transports electrons between complexes III and IV of the electron transport chain.
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Ubiquinone/Coenzyme Q}} transports electrons between complexes II and III of the electron transport chain.
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Binding-change mechanism}} is the mechanism that ATPase utilises in order to generate ATP.
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