Notes in CBB 29: gluconeogenesis

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Published 09/14/2024 How does glucagon influence PEPCK during gluconeogenesis?
Published 09/14/2024 What is the effect of glucagon on pyruvate kinase (glycolysis enzyme) during gluconeogenesis?
Published 09/14/2024 How does glucagon affect the regulation of PFK-1 and fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase during gluconeogenesis?
Published 09/14/2024 How does fructose 2,6-bisphosphate regulate PFK-1 and fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase?
Published 09/14/2024 Why is the regulation of pyruvate carboxylase and PDH by acetyl CoA significant?
Published 09/14/2024 How does acetyl CoA regulate pyruvate carboxylase and pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDH)?
Published 09/14/2024 What are the enzymes required to bypass the irreversible steps of glycolysis during gluconeogenesis?
Published 09/14/2024 What are the three steps of gluconeogenesis that bypass the irrevesible steps of glycolysis?
Published 09/14/2024 Why is it important that fatty acids cannot be directly converted into glucose?
Published 09/14/2024 Why can't acetyl CoA be used for gluconeogenesis?
Published 09/14/2024 How do amino acids contribute to gluconeogenesis? 1 of 3 molecules that feed into gluconeogenesis.
Published 09/14/2024 How does glycerol contribute to gluconeogenesis, and where is it derived from? 1 of 3 molecules that feed into gluconeogenesis.
Published 09/14/2024 Where is lactate derived from, and how does it contribute to gluconeogenesis?
Published 09/14/2024 What are the three main substrates for gluconeogenesis?
Published 09/14/2024 What is the role of the liver in maintaining blood glucose levels?
Published 09/14/2024 Where does gluconeogenesis primarily occur?
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