Notes in CBB 30: Glycogen

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Published 09/14/2024 What are the clinical features, tissues affected, glycogen structure, and deficient enzyme associated with Hers disease?
Published 09/14/2024 What are the clinical features, tissues affected, glycogen structure, and deficient enzyme associated with McArdle disease?
Published 09/14/2024 What are the clinical features, tissues affected, glycogen structure, and deficient enzyme associated with Andersen disease?
Published 09/14/2024 What are the clinical features, tissues affected, glycogen structure, and deficient enzyme associated with Cori disease?
Published 09/14/2024 What are the clinical features, tissues affected, glycogen structure, and deficient enzyme associated with Pompe disease?
Published 09/14/2024 What are the clinical features, tissues affected, glycogen structure, and deficient enzyme associated with Von Gierke disease?
Published 09/14/2024 Compare and contrast the regulation of glycogen phosphorylase in liver and muscle tissue.
Published 09/14/2024 What is the role of glucose 6-phosphatase in glycogenolysis, and where is it used?
Published 09/14/2024 What enzymes and bonds are involved in the process of degrading a molecule of glycogen (glycogenolysis)?
Published 09/14/2024 What are the basic steps involved in synthesizing a molecule of glycogen (glycogenesis)?
Published 09/14/2024 What is the significance of water associated with glycogen storage?
Published 09/14/2024 What are the different roles of glycogen in liver and muscle tissue?
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