Notes in MU SOM::Block 3::Anatomy::Neuroendocrinology

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Published 02/08/2025 The hypothalamus can be viewed as the _________ between the limbic, endocrine and _______________ nervous systems
Published 02/08/2025 The hypothalamus extends from the optic chiasm to _______________________________ 
New Card 02/08/2025 Hypothalamus is bilateral and flanks the _________ ventricle
New Card 02/08/2025 The hypothalamus mamillary bodies are associated with the _____________ system and invovled with memory
New Card 02/08/2025 The infundibulum connects the _________________ to the ______________ gland
New Card 02/08/2025 Which of the pituitary lobes grows down from the diencephalon? (is continuous with the the hypothalamus) 
New Card 02/08/2025 Which pituitary lobe grows up from the roof of the mouth?
New Card 02/08/2025 Which part of the pituitary includes the infundibulum?
New Card 02/08/2025 Posterior pituitary neurons secrete directly from _______________ to blood stream
New Card 02/08/2025 Anterior pituitary neurons secrete through the _______________________ 
New Card 02/08/2025 The paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei are associated with the _______________ pituitary lobe
New Card 02/08/2025 The arcuate nucleus is associated with the ______________ pituitary lobe
New Card 02/08/2025 Vasopressin and oxytocin are ___________________ pituitary hormones 
New Card 02/08/2025 ACTH, TSH, PRL, GH, FSH, LH are all ____________________ pituitary horones
New Card 02/08/2025 What do trophic hormones do
New Card 02/08/2025 The hypothalamus connects to the anterior pituitary via the __________________
New Card 02/08/2025 The set of capillary beds in the hypothalamus/pituitary gland are known as the 
New Card 02/08/2025 The inhibitory hormones released from the hypothalamus are known as 
New Card 02/08/2025 Hormones realeased from the hypothalamus to control release of other hormones are known as 
New Card 02/08/2025 Corticotropin releasing hormone causes the release of 
New Card 02/08/2025 ACTH binds to the adrenal ________ for release of __________
New Card 02/08/2025 Cortisol activates the ____________________ of the body 
New Card 02/08/2025 Thyroid releasing hormon binds to thyrotophs and lactotrophs forrelease of ________ and ____________ from the anterior pituitary gland
New Card 02/08/2025 TSH binds to the _____________ for release of 
New Card 02/08/2025 Lactotroph binding by TRH leads to the release of _________ through the portal venous system
New Card 02/08/2025 GHRH binds to _________________ in the anterior pituitary for release of growth hormone
New Card 02/08/2025 GNRH binding in the anterior pituitary causes for release of _______ and ________ 
New Card 02/08/2025 FSH and LH bind to the _____________ or _________ and cause for release of _______, __________, and ___________ 
New Card 02/08/2025 Short loop feedback meaning?
New Card 02/08/2025 Long loop feedback meaning?
New Card 02/08/2025 Cortisol is released in ________ reactions
New Card 02/08/2025 What are some situations in which the hypothalmic pituitary adrenal axis may be needed (cortisol) 
New Card 02/08/2025 What are the CNS functions of the stress response? 
New Card 02/08/2025 The stress response is activated when ____________ is threatened
New Card 02/08/2025 What are peripheral functions of the stress response
New Card 02/08/2025 Cortisol release follows a _________ cycle in which highest levels are at around 8AM and lowest levels are between 12am-4am
New Card 02/08/2025 One time in which cortisol is released is when blood ___________ is low
New Card 02/08/2025 Addisons disease is releated to deficiency in 
New Card 02/08/2025 Some symptoms of addisons disease are 
New Card 02/08/2025 Cushin syndrome is caused by ___________ excess
New Card 02/08/2025 Some symptoms of cushings syndrome are 
New Card 02/08/2025 ______________  down-regulates TRH receptors in anterior pitutiary inhibiting TSH secretion
New Card 02/08/2025 Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism are common cuases of 
New Card 02/08/2025 Decreased Thyroid hormone in hypothyroidism  leads to decreased ____________ feedback on hypothalamus/pitutiary 
New Card 02/08/2025 Decreased negative feeback on the hypothalamus/pituitary in hypothyroidism results in increased _______ and _____ which leads to overstimulation of th…
New Card 02/08/2025 Hashimotos thyroiditis is 
New Card 02/08/2025 Hyperthyroidism is caused by increased stimulation of thyroid gland which leads to increased production of 
New Card 02/08/2025 Grave's disease is when there is _______ overstimulation of TSH receptor leading to increased production of TH
New Card 02/08/2025 Graves disease causes TH production ____________ of TSH from pituitary 
New Card 02/08/2025 Somatostatin inhibits release of 
New Card 02/08/2025 In the liver Growth hormone stimulates production of 
New Card 02/08/2025 GHRH inhitibits its own secretion from the 
New Card 02/08/2025 Somatomedins inhibit GH secretion by the 
New Card 02/08/2025 Both GH and somatomedins stimulate secretion of _________________ by the hypothalamus inhibitin release 
New Card 02/08/2025 GH direct actions are 
New Card 02/08/2025 IGF has ___________ half life than GH 
New Card 02/08/2025 IGF Effects
New Card 02/08/2025 rowth hormone is secreted through out _______________ 
New Card 02/08/2025 Near puberty GH release is stimulated by ___________ in females and ___________ in males
New Card 02/08/2025 Acromegaly is associated with ___________ excess
New Card 02/08/2025 Before puberty  FSH lvels are _________ than LH levels
New Card 02/08/2025 During puberty there is ____________ secretion of GnRH
New Card 02/11/2025 TRH ___________ prolactin secretion while dopamine _______________ prolactin secretion
New Card 02/11/2025 Suckling at the breast by an infant stimulates secretion of 
New Card 02/11/2025 Prlactin is only elevated during __________ and ___________
New Card 02/11/2025 Does prolactin also inhibit its own secretion?
New Card 02/11/2025 Elevated Estrogen and progesterone levels ____________________ Prolactin receptors 
New Card 02/11/2025 Prolactin deficiency causes
New Card 02/11/2025 Prolactin excess is associated with 
New Card 02/11/2025 Precocious puberty is a sign of excess
New Card 02/11/2025 ADH deficiency is also known as 
New Card 02/11/2025 Nephrogenic diaetes insipidus is due to the kidneys resistance to 
New Card 02/11/2025 Symptoms of polydpsia, polyuria, inability to regulate ody temperature, with high serum sodium and osmolarity is associated with central diabetes insi…
New Card 02/11/2025 The hypothalmic pituitary adrenal axis is associated with the ______________ nucleus
New Card 02/11/2025 Mood swings, depression, diminished sx drive, low blood pressure and fatigue are associated with which hormones and liberin
New Card 02/11/2025 Fatigue, cold intolerance, constipation, dry skin and menstrual irregulaties with low thyroid hormone but normal TSH suggest a central ____________ li…
New Card 02/11/2025 Headaches, joint pain, increased shoe size, facial feature changes along with elevated IGF-1 levels and pituitary adenoma is associated with what cond…
New Card 02/11/2025 Fatigue, weight loss despite increased appetite, palipitations, sweating, proptosis, fine tremor with elevated T3 and T4 with suppressed TSH is associ…
New Card 02/11/2025 The ______________ artery is the major blood supply to the brainstem
New Card 02/11/2025 Viscera of the neck are supplied by the 
New Card 02/11/2025 The ____________ artery supplies the spinal cord and lateral neck muscles
New Card 02/11/2025 What supplies the trapezius with blood
New Card 02/11/2025 On its way to the cavernous sinus the internal carotid artery passes through the carotid canal which is in the ______________ Bone
New Card 02/11/2025 What supplies the thyroid sternocleidomastoid, infrayoid muscles, cricothyroid, and upper portion of larynx 
New Card 02/11/2025 What supplies the soft palate, ear, meninges
New Card 02/11/2025 The occipital artery supplies the 
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