Notes in 1- Muscles and Nerves

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Published 02/10/2024 Functions of muscle1- {{c1::Movement & Locomotion}}   • Skeleton → voluntary   • Intestines → peristalsis (involuntary contrac…
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Skeletal muscle}} is a type of muscle with multinucleated, striated fibres that are attached to the skeleton, they are involved in voluntary mov…
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Published 02/10/2024 Muscle fibres are made up of numerous elongated myofibrils.Myofibrils are assembled of repeated structures called {{c1::sarcomeres}} - the smallest fu…
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Motor units}} are made up of a motor neuron and a skeletal muscle, which are connected together by a neuromuscular junction (NMJ).One motor neur…
Published 02/10/2024 Morphological Classification of Skeletal Muscle:[1] {{c1::Pennate}} muscles → feather-like fascicle arrangement• {{c1::unipennate}} → e.g. extensor di…
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Published 02/10/2024 Functional Classification of Skeletal Muscle:[1] {{c1::Agonist / Prime mover}} → main muscle responsible for producing a specific movement of the body…
Published 02/10/2024 The majority of muscles are attached to the skeleton using {{c1::tendons}}.{{c1::Tendons}} are elongated, thin, condensed connective tissue, they do n…
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Aponeurosis}} is condensed connective tissue, they are flat and thin i.e. sheet-like, and there is no bony attachment, they connect to flat musc…
Published 02/10/2024 Tendons vs AponeurosesWhat's the difference?
Published 02/10/2024 Muscles passing over a joint will act on that joint, some pass over more than one joint.e.g. Triceps pass over {{c1::two joints}}e.g. Biceps pass over…
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Satellite cells}} are stem cells which help to regenerate or heal injured muscle fibres.
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::diaphragm}} is a skeletal muscle that acts involuntarily, it is involved in respiration.
Published 02/10/2024 Skeletal muscles are divided into:1- {{c1::Axial}} muscles → trunk & head2- {{c1::Appendicular}} muscles → arms & legs (control pectoral …
Published 02/10/2024 Muscles are made up of two compartments:- {{c1::Flexor}} compartment- {{c1::Extensor}} compartmentMuscles of the same compartment are usually supplied…
Published 02/10/2024 Muscle groups of the upper limb:Arm muscle compartments:Flexors (anterior) → innervated by {{c1::musculocutaneous nerve}}- {{c1::Biceps brachii}}…
Published 02/10/2024 Arm muscles:Agonist (contract) → {{c1::Biceps}}Antagonist (relax) → {{c1::Triceps}}Fixator (stabilise) → {{c1::Deltoid}}Synergist (support) → {{c1::Br…
Published 02/10/2024 Muscle groups of the upper limb:Forearm muscle compartments:Flexors and pronators → innervated by {{c1::median and ulnar nerve}}• 8 musclesExtens…
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Brachioradialis}} is a flexor muscle in the posterior extensor region of the forearm, it is innervated by the radial nerve, which is the same as…
Published 02/10/2024 Muscle groups of the lower limb:Gluteal muscle compartments: → innervated by the {{c1::sciatic nerve}}[1] {{c1::Gluteus maximus}} → {{c2::extensi…
Published 02/10/2024 Muscle groups of the lower limb:Thigh muscle compartments:Flexors (posterior) → innervated by the {{c1::sciatic nerve}}- {{c1::Hamstring}}Ex…
Published 02/10/2024 Why are flexors in the posterior compartment in the lower limbs while it is the anterior compartment in the upper limbs?
Published 02/10/2024 Muscle groups of the lower limb:Leg muscle compartments: → all innervated by the {{c1::sciatic nerve}}{{c1::Dorsiflexors}} (anterior){{c1::Planta…
Published 02/10/2024 Intrinsic muscles of Hand → {{c1::precision actions}} (e.g. needle threading)→ forearm muscles/tendons for strength (e.g. making a fist)Intrinsic…
Published 02/10/2024 Muscles can be compartmentalised by:1- {{c1::intermuscular fascial septa}} which separate them into compartments2- {{c1::common nerve/s}} su…
Published 02/10/2024 All arm and forearm muscle compartments are supplied by nerve(s) arising from a nerve network located in the axilla - {{c1::the brachial plexus}}…
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Cutaneous fields}} are an area of skin supplied by sensory neurons from a single peripheral nerve. (in contrast to dermatomes, it may be di…
Published 02/10/2024 If you injure a {{c1::ramus}} you lose sensation in an entire dermatomeIf you injure a {{c1::peripheral nerve}} you lose sensation in its cutaneous fi…
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Radio-ulnar joints}} are synovial pivot joints used for {{c2::supination}} of the upper limb.
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Elbow}} joint and {{c1::Shoulder}} joint are used together for {{c2::flexion}} of the upper limb.
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