Notes in Stroke

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Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma (AACG)}} is an eye pathology that presents with unilateral orbitofrontal headache w/N&V, painful conjunctival h…
Published 04/01/2024 What is the most common cause of Lacunar Stroke? {{c1::Hyaline Arteriolosclerosis -> HTN, DM, Smoking, Age}}
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Atrial Fibrillation}} is a pathological ECG tracing that involves a chaotic and erratic bassline with no discrete P waves between irre…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Conduction Aphasia}} is a type of aphasia that involves poor repetition but fluent speech and intact comprehension.
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Transcortical Sensory Aphasia}} is a type of aphasia that involves poor comprehension (understanding) with fluent speech and repetition.
Published 04/01/2024 What is the duration of Cluster headaches?{{c1::15 min 3 hrs}}
Published 04/01/2024 What is the duration of tension headaches?{{c1::> 30 min (typically 4-6 hrs) to several days}}
Published 04/01/2024 Shaken baby syndrome is the combination of {{c1::subdural hematoma (cortical bridging veins)}} with {{c1::bilateral retinal hemorrhages}} in an infant…
Published 04/01/2024 Lacunar infarcts characteristic clinical syndromes include:Absence of cortical signs (aphasia, agnosia, neglect, apraxia, hemianopsia), seziures of AM…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Transcortical motor}} aphasia involves nonfluent speech, but good comprehension and repetition.
Published 04/01/2024 The vertebral & basilar arteries (aka posterior circulation) give off the various {{c1::cerebellar}} arteries and terminates in the {{c1::two…
Published 04/01/2024 Carotid endarterectomy (CEA) is indicated in patients with symptomatic carotid artery stenosis of {{c1::70%-99%::%}}.
Published 04/01/2024 Indications for carotid endarterectomy in Men and Women ? Men        WomenAsymptomatic {{c1::60%-99% stenosis}}  &n…
Published 04/01/2024 Large hematomas are managed with:{{c1::1. Intubation and hyperventilation2. Mannitol3. Drainage}}
Published 04/01/2024 Definition of a Large Intracranial Hemorrhage (3 things):{{c1::• Compression of ventricles or sulci}}{{c1::• Herniation with abnormal breathing and un…
Published 04/01/2024 Cerebral perfusion pressure is best when mean arterial pressure ≥ {{c1::60}} mm Hg above the intracranial pressure.
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Aneurysm formation}} is the most common etiology of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH).
Published 04/01/2024 Cerebral Aneurysm is associated with {{c1::polycystic kidney diseasse, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and some other connective tissue disease.::co…
Published 04/01/2024 A patient that presents with claudication of the arm and equilibrium problems when the arm is exercising is experiencing {{c1::subclavian steal s…
Published 04/01/2024 Symptoms of cluster headaches include retroorbital pain, redness of ipsilateral eye, tearing, stuffed nose, and {{c1::ipsilateral Horner's s…
Published 04/01/2024 Contralateral hemiparesis and hemisensory loss with ipsilateral conjugate gaze deviation is characteristic of what type of neurologic lesion?{{c1…
Published 04/01/2024 What is the most important risk factor for having a stroke? {{c1::Hypertension}}
Published 04/01/2024 What is the most common cause of spontaneous lobar hemorrhage, particularly in the elderly?{{c1::Cerebral amyloid angiopathy}}
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Increased intracranial pressure}} presents with transient vision loss lasting a few seconds with changes in head position.
Published 04/01/2024 A young obese female presents with headache, normal neuroimaging, and elevated CNS pressure. What diagnosis should be suspected? {{c1::Pseudotumor cer…
Published 04/01/2024 A pure sensory stroke occurs with damage to the: {{c1::VPL/VPM thalamus}}.
Published 04/01/2024 New onset of unilateral increased sensitivity to sound is likely due to damage to which cranial nerve?{{c1::CN VII (facial)}}
Published 04/01/2024 Which artery is involved in a patient experiencing alexia without agraphia (pure alexia)?{{c1::Posterior cerebral artery}}
Published 04/01/2024 Medial medullary syndromeEtiology: {{c1::branch occlusion of verterbal or anterior spinal artery}}Clinical features: {{c2::contral…
Published 04/01/2024 Medial pontine infarction:Etiology: {{c1::paramedian branches of basilar artery infarction}}Clinical features: {{c2::contralateral…
Published 04/01/2024 Cerebral hemorrhage clinical features:Basal ganglia (e.g. putamen): {{c1::contralateral hemiparesis & hemisensory loss +/homonymous hemianopsia an…
Published 04/01/2024 The arteries are most often affected with cerebrovascular fibromuscular dysplasia are: {{c1::carotid artery, often bilaterally in 95% of cases}},&nbsp…
Published 04/01/2024 Cerebral dural AV fistula clinical features:Symptoms: {{c1::ICH (60%) esp. children, seizure (20%), headache, Audible pulsatile tinnitus}}Imaging:&nbs…
Published 04/01/2024 Claude's syndrome:definition? {{c1::brainstem stroke syndrome (midbrain tegmentum) }}major features? {{c2::ipsilateral CN3 palsy + contralateral …
Published 04/01/2024 List causes of CVST:Infections:  {{c1::middle ear infections / mastoiditis}}Hypercoagulable states: OCP, pregnancycancernephrotic syndromeCT…
Published 04/01/2024 Which CVST patients get endovascular thrombolysis or thrombectomy ?{{c1::severe neurologic impairmentstuporcoma and intracranial hypertensionno improv…
Published 04/01/2024 What does VASc stand for in CHA2DS2-VASc?{{c1::V = vascular disease (prior MI, PAD or aortic plaque) 1 ptA = age 65-74 (1 pt)Sc = sex category female …
Published 04/01/2024 HASBLED score, what does each letter stand for?{{c1::HTNAbnormal liver (1) or renal function (1) StrokeBleeding, majorLabile INRElderly (age 65)D…
Published 04/01/2024 CADASIL stands for? {{c1::cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy}}
Published 04/01/2024 History of multiple strokes without traditional vascular risk factors, a history of migraines, subsequent development of dementia, and a family histor…
Published 04/01/2024 Blood vessel with a thick wall, which contains a basophilic granular material pathologic finding characteristic of what disease? {{c1::CADISIL}}
Published 04/01/2024 CADASIL:mutation? {{c2::transmembrane receptor expressed mainly in vascular smooth muscle}}chromosome? {{c1::missense mutation in the gene NOTCH3 on c…
Published 04/01/2024 ipsilateral third nerve palsy + contralateral hemiplegia = {{c1::Weber's syndrome}} 
Published 04/01/2024 Clinical significance of cavernous malformations?Typically incidentally and found in {{c1::asymptomatic::symptomatic or asymptomatic}} patientsMay pre…
Published 04/01/2024 What does this MRI show?{{c1::cavernous malformation}}
Published 04/01/2024 AVM epidemiology?occur in {{c1::4%::%}} of populationof these, only {{c1::12%::%}} are symptomatic{{c2::M=F::M=F, M>F, M<F}}
Published 04/01/2024 At what level does external + internal carotid divide? {{c1::C4}}
Published 04/01/2024 DAVF (spinal dural arteriovenous fistula)Men > {{c1::50::age}}{{c2::acquired::inherited or acquired}} conditionAV shunting site within dura mater n…
Published 04/01/2024 treatment of DAVF?endovascular embolization with liquid embolic agents OR surgical disconnectionsurgery = {{c1::higher success rate with low recurrenc…
Published 04/01/2024 Age of hemorrhage on MRIs?Hyperacute (<12 hours): oxyhemoglobinisointense T1 / hyperintense T2 Acute (12 hrs-2 days): Deoxyhemoglobinisointens…
Published 04/01/2024 Dural arteriovenous fistulas (DAVFs):DAVFs are abnormal connections between arteries and veins within the dural sinuses or the dural wall.They are {{c…
Published 04/01/2024 Borden classification of dural AVFs: Borden Type I: {{c1::Anterograde drainage, low risk.}}Borden Type II: {{c2::Anterograde drainage, moderate r…
Published 04/01/2024 Apixiban pearlstrial = ARISTOTLEa factor Xa inhibitor, with peak levels at {{c1::3 to 4::#}} hoursliver CYP450 3A4, and {{c2::25}}% is renally excrete…
Published 04/01/2024 dagibatran (pradaxa) reversal agents?{{c1::Idarucizumab / Praxbind}} binds free and thrombin-bound Dabigatran neutralizing its activity{{c2::Acti…
Published 04/01/2024 primary angiitis of the central nervous system (PACNS):Involves which structures? {{c1::inflammation of small and medium-sized parenchymal and leptome…
Published 04/01/2024 Three diagnostic criteria of primary angiitis of CNS?Acquired otherwise unexplained neurologic or psychiatric deficit{{c1::Classic angiographic or his…
Published 04/01/2024 Definite diagnosis of primary angiitis of the CNS requires what ? {{c1::biopsy confirmation of vessel wall inflammation}}
Published 04/01/2024 "beading" on cerebral angiogram can indicate what?{{c1::PACNSatherosclerosisvasospasminfectious / radiation vasculopathyRCVS (resolve in 3 months):: 5…
Published 04/01/2024 Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome (RCVS): CSF: {{c4::normal or xanthochromia, or mild elevations in protein + WBC}}Resolves within {{c1::1…
Published 04/01/2024 CREST (Carotid Revascularization, Endarterectomy vs. Stent Trial):randomized patients with symptomatic (>50%) or asymptomatic (≥60%) carotid stenos…
Published 04/01/2024 risk symptomatic hemorrhage post tPA: {{c1::6%::%}}
Published 04/01/2024 Medial midbrain stroke:Weber's syndrome{{c1::CNIII}} palsycrossed motor findings
Published 04/01/2024 Localization of post-stroke mania?  {{c1::R thalamus, R mesiotemporal lobe, R caudate::3 structures/laterality}}. What about post-stroke depressi…
Published 04/01/2024 vascular territory of:transcortical sensory? {{c1::MCA-PCA (wernicke)}}transcortical motor? {{c1::MCA-ACA (broca)}}
Published 04/01/2024 why is macula spared in PCA stroke? {{c1:: collaterals from MCA}}
Published 04/01/2024 Clinical features of CADASIL: {{c1::Ischemic episodes, cognitive deficits, migraine, psychiatric symptoms}}
Published 04/01/2024 What does this image show? {{c1::Subarachnoid hemorrhage. }}
Published 04/01/2024 Image shows? {{c1::Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA)}}
Published 04/01/2024 What does this show? {{c1::Epidural hematoma}}
Published 04/01/2024 What condition is this image consistent with? {{c1::reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome (RPLS) aka PRES}}
Published 04/01/2024 What is seen in this CT image? {{c1::Hyperdense MCA sign indicating MCA thrombosis}}
Published 04/01/2024 What type of infarct does this show? {{c1::Acute ACA infarct}}
Published 04/01/2024 MRI shows popcorn appearance. What is the most likely diagnosis? {{c1::Carvenoma/Cavernous Hemangioma}}
Published 04/01/2024 Pt with hx of depression on Prozac presents with thunderclap headache. What is the most likely diagnosis? {{c1::RCVS (Call-Fleming syndrome)}}
Published 04/01/2024 What is the MOA of Dabigitran (Pradaxa)? {{c1::Direct thrombin inhibitor}}
Published 04/01/2024 What are the complications of PComm aneurysms? {{c1::Oculomotor nerve}} palsy with possible {{c2::motor}} sparing 
Published 04/01/2024 Sturge-Weber Syndrome is a rare neurocutaneous disorder characterized by port-wine stain birthmarks (capillary malformations) on the face and {{c1::le…
Published 04/01/2024 Sturge-Weber Syndrome is caused by a somatic mutation in the {{c1::GNAQ gene}}, which leads to overactivation of the {{c2::RAS-MAPK pathway}}.
Published 04/01/2024 Sturge-Weber Syndrome is typically diagnosed based on clinical findings, but brain imaging (such as MRI or CT scan) may be performed to evaluate the e…
Published 04/01/2024 Carotid cavernous fistula:Communication between {{c2::cavernous portion of internal carotid artery and surrounding venous plexus.}} Typically follows …
Published 04/01/2024 A 75-year-old male presents to the clinic with a complaint of palpitations for the past week. He denies any associated symptoms. He has a past medical…
Published 04/01/2024 A 50-year-old male presents to the clinic with a lack of initiative, reduced food intake, and preference to sleep most of the time. History reveals th…
Published 04/01/2024 A 65-year-old man with bilateral pseudophakia comes with complaints of pain in the right eye and his right eye looking smaller than the left. On exami…
Published 04/01/2024 A previously healthy 5-year-old girl presents with acute onset headache, vomiting, encephalopathy, seizure, and right-sided hemiplegia. On further que…
Published 04/01/2024 A 57-year-old male with a history of hypertension and alcohol use disorder in remission presents to the emergency department (ED) at 2 pm, one hour af…
Published 04/01/2024 Normal variant where vascular supply to both medial thalami are from one artery: {{c1::Artery of Percheron::what is this artery called?}}
Published 04/01/2024 Deep branch from ACA A1 supplying anterior limb IC, inferior caudate nucelus, anterior GPi: {{c1::Recurrent Artery of Heubner::name of artery}}
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