Notes in 03 Role of Common Tests

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Published 09/12/2023 Ancillary TestingHelps make a {{c1::refined}} diagnosis
Published 09/12/2023 Role of Testing Once a Diagnosis is MadePrognostic tests serve to {{c1::predict how disease will behave}}
Published 09/12/2023 Role of Testing Once a Diagnosis is MadePredictive tests serve to {{c1::predict which therapy may work}}
Published 09/12/2023 Role of Testing Once a Diagnosis is MadeTherapy Guiding Tests would help...{{c1::Track how disease responds to the therapy}}{{c1::Determine if a chang…
Published 09/12/2023 Prevalence and Test StatisticsPrevalence affects {{c1::PPV}} and {{c1::NPV}} but not {{c1::sensitivity}} or {{c1::specificity}}
Published 09/12/2023 Reference RangesEstablished by testing a population of {{c1::individuals without disease}}
Published 09/12/2023 Reference RangesRange is set at values within {{c1::2}} standard deviations of the mean
Published 09/12/2023 Screening Tests{{c1::Tests that detect disease in patients without symptoms}}
Published 09/12/2023 Diagnostic Tests{{c1::Tests that help identify or characterize disease in patients with symptoms}}
Published 09/13/2023 TestingThe role of a test depends on {{c1::what the test is}} and {{c1::context (how the test is being used)}}
Published 09/13/2023 Types of TestingMammograms, pregnancy tests, pap smears, CBC, COVID tests, TB tests, eye exams, HbA1c are all examples of {{c1::screening}} tests
Published 09/13/2023 Types of Testingbiopsies, EKG, MRI, TEE, HbA1c are all types of {{c1::diagnostic}} tests
Published 09/13/2023 Types of TestingHbA1c, colonoscopies, CT and PET scans are all examples of {{c1::therapy guiding}} tests
Published 09/13/2023 Types of TestingBiomarkers and mutation statuses are examples of {{c1::prognostic}} tests
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