Notes in Testis

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Published 02/18/2024 GU | Testicle | Pure seminoma | Stage II | RT Planning
Published 02/18/2024 Germ cell tumour | Surgery (lecture part II day 9/2020)
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 1.3 | Pathology | Benign lesions
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 1.4 | Classification
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 1.2.3 | Germ cell tumours | Precursor lesion and pathogenesis
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 1.1 | Anatomy
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 1.2.1 | Epidemiology (testicular GCT)
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 1.2.2 | Aetiology / Risk factors
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 1.5.1 | Seminoma | Classical seminoma
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 1.5.2 | Seminoma | Spermatocytic seminoma
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 1.6.1 | NSGCT | Embryonal carcinoma
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 1.6.2 | NSGCT | Yolk sac tumour
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 1.6.3 | NSGCT | Choriocarcinoma
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 1.6.4 | NSGCT | Teratoma
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 1.6.5 | NSGCT | Mixed GCT
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 1.7 | GCT | Summary table - seminoma, spermatocytic seminoma, embryonal carcinoma, yolk sac tumour, choriocarcinoma, teratoma, lymphoma
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 1.8.1 | Sex cord stromal | Leydig cell tumours (1-3%)
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 1.8.2 | Sex cord stromal | Sertoli cell tumours (<1%)
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 1.8.3 | Sex cord stromal | Granulosa cell tumour
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 1.9.1 | Precursor lesions | Intratubular germ cell neoplasia
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 2.1 | Clinical presentation  and biologic behaviour
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 2.2 | Workup
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 2.3 | Serum tumour markers
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 2.4 | Differential diagnosis
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 2.5 | Staging
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 2.6 | Prognostic classification
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 3.1 | Management overview
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 3.2 | GCT | General management principles
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 4.1.1 | Seminoma | Stage IA/B | Surgery
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 4.1.3 | Seminoma | Stage IA/B | Postop Mx | Radiotherapy
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 4.1.4 | Seminoma | Stage IA/B | Postop Mx | Chemotherapy
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 4.2 | Seminoma | Stage II A/B
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 4.3 | Seminoma | Stage IIC-III
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 4.4 | Seminoma | Relapse after RT
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 4.5 | Seminoma | Scrotal violation
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 5.1 | NSGCT | Risk stratification
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 5.2.1 | NSGCT | Stage IA/B, Low risk
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 5.2.2 | NSGCT | Stage IA/B, high risk
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 5.2.3 | NSGCT | Stage IS ("Good risk")
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 5.2.4 | NSGCT | Stage IIA ("Good risk")
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 5.2.5 | NSGCT | Stage IIB ("Good risk")
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 5.2.6 | NSGCT | Stage III (Good, intermediate and poor risk)
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 6 | Intratubular germ cell neoplasia (ITGCN)
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 5.3 | Extragonadal GCTs
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 7 | Testicular lymphoma
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 8 | Sex-cord stromal tumour (or teratoma in children)
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 9.1 | Seminoma | RT technique
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 9.2 | Hemiscrotal RT
Published 02/18/2024 MRS | Testis | 9.3 | Bleomycin
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