Notes in 09 Pain Management

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Published 06/20/2024 {{c1::Gate control::theory}} posits that non-nociceptive pain fibers can intercept nociceptive fibers and is the basis for neurostimulation and acupun…
Published 06/20/2024 Morphine is metabolized in the liver into morphine {{c1::6}} and morphine {{c1::3}}Morphine {{c1::6}}: Sedation, Respiratory DepressionMorphine {{c1::…
Published 06/20/2024 -{{c1::Excitatory amino acids}}{{c2::Glutamate}}{{c2::aspartate}}-{{c1::Excitatory neuropeptides}}{{c2::Substance P}}{{c2::Neurokinin A}}-{{c1::Inhibi…
Published 06/20/2024 After surgery you may have a decrease in {{c1::anabolic::catabolic/anabolic}} hormones and an increase in {{c1::catabolic::catabolic/anabolic}} hormon…
Published 06/23/2024 {{c1::Fibromyalgia}} presents with chronic, widespread musculoskeletal pain associated with "tender points"
Published 06/23/2024 Do most NSAIDs inhibit COX-1 or COX-2?{{c1::Both :)}}
Published 06/23/2024 What drug class does celecoxib belong to?{{c1::Selective COX-2 inhibitor}}
Published 06/23/2024 Which NSAID has a reduced risk of ulcers and bleeding? {{c1::Celecoxib}}
Published 06/23/2024 Where does acetaminophen exert its effects?{{c1::CNS (inactivated peripherally)::CNS or PNS}}
Published 06/23/2024 Is acetaminophen useful as an anti-inflammatory agent?{{c1::No}}
Published 06/23/2024 Neuropathic pain (periph. neuropathy / postherpetic neuralgia) = {{c2::TCA::antidepressant}} or {{c1::gabapentin::antiepileptic}}
Published 06/23/2024 MAO inhibitors are contraindicated in patients taking the opioid analgesic {{c1::meperidine}}
Published 06/23/2024 Contrary to opioid intoxication, {{c1::respiratory depression::symptom}} is usually only mild in benzodiazepine overdose along with an absence of pupi…
Published 06/23/2024 Opioids that should be avoided in patients with {{c1::renal dysfunction}} can be remembered with the mnemonic "Morphine Metabolization Causes Tro…
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