Notes in 43 Miscellaneous Topics

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Published 12/13/2023 The classic sign of carbon monoxide poisoning is {{c1::cherry red skin}}.
Published 12/13/2023 Herbal medications should be discontinued {{c1::2}} weeks before surgery. 
Published 12/13/2023 The herbal medications that can cause increased bleeding can be memorized with the 4 G's:{{c1::Garlic, Ginkgo, Ginger, Ginseng}}
Published 12/13/2023 The Joint Commission will only accredit a hospital if they can demonstrate evidence that they adhere to {{c1::CDC infection prevention}} guidelines.&n…
Published 12/13/2023 Paralytics (e.g. succinylcholine, pancuronium) {{c1::increase::increase/decrease}} lower esophageal sphincter tone. 
Published 12/13/2023 Anticholinergic drugs {{c1::decrease}} lower esophageal sphincter tone. 
Published 12/13/2023 When food enters the stomach, {{c4::gastrin}} increases {{c1::stomach acid}} and stimulates {{c3::chief cells}} to secrete {{c2::pepsinogen}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 Pepsinogen is converted to {{c1::pepsin}} in the presence of {{c2::stomach acid}}, which aids in the digestion of {{c3::proteins}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Secretin}} tells the pancreas to secrete {{c2::bicarbonate}} and the liver to secrete {{c3::bile}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Gastic inhibitory peptide}} delays gastric emptying and stimulates the pancreas to release {{c2::insulin}}.
Published 12/13/2023 What hormone acts as the universal "off" switch for digestion?{{c1::Somatostatin}}
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Secretin::hormone}} release is stimulated by acid in the duodenum. 
Published 12/13/2023 Gastrin is produced by {{c1::G}} cells in the stomach. 
Published 12/13/2023 Secretin is produced by {{c1::S}} cells in the small intestine. 
Published 12/13/2023 Cholecystokinin is produced by {{c1::I}} cells in the small intestine. 
Published 12/13/2023 Gastric inhibitory peptide is produced by {{c1::K}} cells in the small intestine. 
Published 12/13/2023 Somatostatin is produced by {{c1::D}} cells in the small intestine, stomach, and pancreatic islet. 
Published 12/13/2023 Gallbladder pain after a fatty meal is caused by increases in {{c1::cholecystokinin}} release. 
Published 12/13/2023 {{c3::Zollinger-Ellison syndrome}} is caused by a {{c1::gastrin-secreting}} tumor and is characterized by {{c2::gastric ulceration}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 Use of cricoid pressure {{c1::decreases}} lower esophageal sphincter tone. 
Published 12/13/2023 What receptors are located in the vestibular apparatus and contribute to the vomiting response?{{c1::H1 and M1}}
Published 12/13/2023 The chemoreceptor trigger zone is stimulated by noxious chemicals because it lies outside the {{c1::blood-brain barrier}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 The most common side effects of ondansetron are {{c1::headache}} and {{c1::diarrhea}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 The {{c1::P6}} accupressure point is a nonpharmacologic method of treating PONV. 
Published 12/13/2023 What vasopressor can be used to reduce PONV?{{c1::Ephedrine 25 mg IM}}
Published 12/13/2023 What antiemetic produces the most sedative effects?{{c1::Prochloroperazine}}
Published 12/13/2023 Inhibition of COX-{{c1::1}} causes a reduction in {{c2::renal}} blood flow. 
Published 12/13/2023 What CNS effects do NSAIDs cause?{{c1::Tinnitus}}
Published 12/13/2023 What type of allergic reaction requires prior sensitization or cross-reactivity?{{c1::Anaphylaxis}}
Published 12/13/2023 In anaphylaxis, {{c2::leukotrienes}} and {{c2::prostaglandins}} are the metabolites of arachidonic acid that cause broncho{{c1::constriction}} and vas…
Published 12/13/2023 Anaphylaxis and extrinsic asthma are both type {{c1::1}} hypersensitivity reactions. 
Published 12/13/2023 ABO-incomaptibility and heparin-induced thrombocytopenia are both type {{c1::2}} hypersensitivity reactions. 
Published 12/13/2023 Snake venom reactions are type {{c1::3}} hypersensitivity reactions. 
Published 12/13/2023 Contact dermatitis, GVHD, and tissue rejection after transplant are type {{c1::4}} hypersensitivity reactions. 
Published 12/13/2023 The second most common cause of perioperative allergic reactions is {{c1::latex}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 The third most common cause of perioperative allergic reactions is {{c1::antibiotics (beta-lactams)}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Epinephrine}} can be used to treat anaphylaxis because it prevents {{c2::mast cell}} degranulation by increasing {{c3::cAMP}} in mast cells and …
Published 12/13/2023 The three ingredients required to produce a fire are:{{c1::heat (ignition)}}{{c1::oxidizer}}{{c1::fuel}}
Published 12/13/2023 Laser differs from ordinary light because it is {{c1::monochromatic}}, co{{c1::herent}}, and co{{c1::llimated}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Long::Short/Long}} wavelength lasers absorb {{c2::more::more/less}} water and {{c3::do not::do/do not}} penetrate deep into tissue. 
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Short::Short/Long}} wavelength lasers absorb {{c2::less::more/less}} water and {{c3::do::do/do not}} penetrate deep into tissue. 
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::CO2}} lasers have a wavelength of {{c2::10,600}} μm. 
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Nd:YAG}} lasers have a wavelength of {{c2::1,064}} μm. 
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Ruby}} lasers have a wavelength of {{c2::694}} μm. 
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Argon}} lasers have a wavelength of {{c2::515}} μm. 
Published 12/13/2023 What eye protection is used for CO2 lasers?{{c1::Clear}} goggles
Published 12/13/2023 What eye protection is used for Nd:YAG lasers?{{c1::Green}} goggles
Published 12/13/2023 What eye protection is used for ruby lasers?{{c1::Red}} goggles
Published 12/13/2023 What eye protection is used for argon lasers?{{c1::Amber}} goggles
Published 12/13/2023 What gases support combustion in the operating room?{{c1::Oxygen}} and {{c1::nitrous oxide}}
Published 12/13/2023 The most vulnerable part of an endotracheal tube to damage from a laser is the {{c1::cuff}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 What endotracheal tube is preferred for CO2 lasers?{{c1::LaserFlex}}
Published 12/13/2023 What endotracheal tube is preferred for Nd:YAG lasers?{{c1::Lasertubus}}
Published 12/13/2023 Laser surgeries place the patient at risk for {{c1::gas embolism}} because of the coolant on the laser tip. 
Published 12/13/2023 Use of {{c1::water}}-based lubricants can be used to protect the patient from fire. 
Published 12/13/2023 What biological organism may be transmitted through laser particulates?{{c1::Bacterial spores}}
Published 12/13/2023 What ages are most at risk of developing perioperative hypothermia?{{c1::Young and old}}
Published 12/13/2023 Central thermoreceptors are found in the {{c1::hypothalamus}}, {{c2::great veins}}, and the {{c3::spinal cord}}.
Published 12/13/2023 In sickle cell anemia, hypothermia can cause {{c1::sickling}} of {{c1::hemoglobin S}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 An esophageal temperature probe that is too deep will measure a {{c1::higher::higher/lower}} temperature. 
Published 12/13/2023 An esophageal temperature probe that is too shallow will measure a {{c1::lower::higher/lower}} temperature. 
Published 12/13/2023 Use of a rectal thermometer risks a {{c1::bowel perforation}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 A rectal thermometer will read {{c1::lower::higher/lower}} temperatures if stool is present. 
Published 12/13/2023 What laser is best for tumor debulking?{{c1::Nd:YAG}}
Published 12/13/2023 The best way to protect against atmospheric contamination during laser surgery is {{c1::a high efficiency mask}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 Many laser-resistant endotracheal tubes have {{c3::two}} cuffs, and the {{c1::proximal}} cuff is filled with {{c2::saline and dye (methylene blue)}}.&…
Published 12/13/2023 What laser is ideal for very superficial tissue surgery (e.g. oropharyngeal, vocal cord)?{{c1::CO2 }}
Published 12/13/2023 {{c3::Argon}} lasers are absorbed by {{c2::melanin}} & {{c2::hemoglobin}}, which makes it ideal for {{c1::vascular lesions}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 Activation of {{c1::NMDA}} receptors causes central sensitization. 
Published 12/13/2023 Tricyclic antidepressants can block {{c1::adrenergic}} receptors, which can cause {{c2::orthostatic hypotension}} and {{c3::prolonged QT interval}}.
Published 12/13/2023 What peripheral nerve blocks can be used to provide analgesia for breast surgery?{{c1::Thoracic paravertebral}} block{{c1::Pectoral}} block
Published 12/13/2023 Venous drainage of the eyes is via the {{c1::superior}} and {{c1::inferior ophthalmic}} veins, and the {{c2::central retinal}} vein to the {{c2::caver…
Published 12/13/2023 Patients with {{c2::open}}-angle glaucoma are treated with eydrops that cause {{c1::miosis}}, which opens the trabecular network. 
Published 12/13/2023 There is an increased incidence of {{c2::malignant hyperthermia}} in patients undergoing {{c1::strabismus}} surgery. 
Published 12/13/2023 In patients undergoing a repair of a retinal detachment, use of nitrous oxide is contraindicated for {{c1::30}} days after perfluoropropane 
Published 12/13/2023 Besides an increase in intraocular pressure, ketamine is avoided during ophthalmic surgery because it can cause {{c1::rotary nystagmus}} and {{c2::ble…
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Closed}}-angle glaucoma is caused by a closure of the anterior chamber, which obstructs mechanical outflow. 
Published 12/13/2023 Nitrous oxide should be avoided for {{c2::0}} days after using {{c1::silicone oil}} for intraocular gas expansion. 
Published 12/13/2023 What effect do α2 agonists like dexmedetomidine and clonidine have on seizure length?{{c1::None}}
Published 12/13/2023 Propofol {{c1::decreases::increases/decreases}} seizure duration. 
Published 12/13/2023 Lidocaine {{c1::decreases::increases/decreases}} seizure duration. 
Published 12/13/2023 What opioids decrease seizure duration?{{c1::Fentanyl}}
Published 12/13/2023 What opioids increases seizure duration?{{c1::Alfentanil (in conjunction with propofol)}}
Published 12/13/2023 Aminophylline {{c1::increases::decreases/increases}} seizure duration.
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Hyper}}ventilation causes an increased seizure duration. 
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Hypo}}ventilation causes a decreased seizure duration. 
Published 12/13/2023 Hypoxia {{c1::decreases::decreases/increases}} seizure duration.
Published 12/13/2023 {{c3::Meperidine}} or {{c3::fentanyl}} should not be administered in patients taking {{c1::SSRIs}} because of the risk of {{c2::serotonin syndrome}}.&…
Published 12/13/2023 Serotonin syndrome can be treated with {{c1::5-HT2A antagonists }}
Published 12/13/2023 In central anticholinergic syndrome, blindness occurs due to {{c1::mydriasis}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 In central anticholinergic syndrome, patients have {{c1::red::color}}, {{c1::hot::temp}}, {{c1::dry::sweat}} skin. 
Published 12/13/2023 Which white blood cells are granulocytes?{{c1::Neutrophils}}, {{c1::basophils}}, and {{c1::eosinophils}}
Published 12/13/2023 The most abundant white blood cells are {{c1::neutrophils}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Eosinophils}} defend against parasitic infections. 
Published 12/13/2023 Which white blood cells are agranulocytes?{{c1::Monocytes}} and {{c1::lymphocytes}}
Published 12/13/2023 {{c2::Monocytes}} are the primary phagocytes that release {{c1::cytokines}} and present pathogen pieces to T-lymphocytes. 
Published 12/13/2023 {{c2::B-lymphocytes}} are responsible for {{c1::humoral}} immunity.
Published 12/13/2023 {{c2::T-lymphocytes}} are responsible for {{c1::ccell-mediated}} immunity.
Published 12/13/2023 {{c3::Vincristine/vinblastine::chemotherapeutic}} is associated with {{c4::peripheral neuropathy}}.
Published 12/13/2023 What chemotherapeutic agent is NOT associated with bone marrow suppression and thrombocytopenia?{{c1::Bleomycin}}
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Tamoxifen::chemotherapeutic}} only works on tumors that express {{c2::estrogen}} receptors. 
Published 12/13/2023 What are the side effects of tamoxifen?{{c2::Hot flashes}}Increased risk of {{c1::endometrial cancer}}
Published 12/13/2023 Zone {{c1::1}} of the MRI suite is the hallway outside.
Published 12/13/2023 Zone {{c1::2}} of the MRI suite is the entrance. 
Published 12/13/2023 Zone {{c1::3}} of the MRI suite is the control room. 
Published 12/13/2023 {{c5::MRI-safe}} metals can be memorized with the mnemonic CATS. {{c1::Copper}}{{c2::Aluminum}} {{c3::Titanium}} {{c4::Stainless steel}}
Published 12/13/2023 MRI interference with EKG may cause {{c1::T-wave}} and {{c1::ST-segment}} artifacts. 
Published 12/13/2023 The most common side effect of IV contrast media is {{c1::nausea}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 The {{c1::rule of nines}} is used to estimate the percentage of body surface area burned:Head: {{c2::9%}}Thorax: {{c3::18% each side}}Arms: {{c4::9% e…
Published 12/13/2023 Burn patients often end up with hemo{{c1::concentration}} due to loss of fluids. 
Published 12/13/2023 What type of fluids are avoided in burn patients?{{c1::Albumin (colloids)}}
Published 12/13/2023 In burn patients, a {{c2::rising hemoglobin}} in the first few days suggests inadequate {{c1::volume resuscitation}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 In burn patients, transfusion requirements are primarily based on {{c1::hematocrit}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 According to the Parkland formula, during the second 24-hours, the crystalloid fluid of choice is {{c1::D5W}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 During a burn resuscitation, during the second 24-hours, colloids can be administered:{{c1::0.5 mL x %TBSA burned x weight in kg}}
Published 12/13/2023 What is the goal urine output for resuscitation after high voltage electrical injury?{{c1::1}}-{{c1::1.5}} mL/kg/hr
Published 12/13/2023 What is the goal blood pressure in adults for resuscitation after burn injury?{{c1::MAP > 60 mmHg}}
Published 12/13/2023 What is the goal blood pressure in infants for resuscitation after burn injury?{{c1::SBP > 60 mmHg}}
Published 12/13/2023 What is the goal blood pressure in children for resuscitation after burn injury?{{c1::SBP 70-90 + (2 x age) mmHg}}
Published 12/13/2023 What is the goal base deficit for resuscitation after burn injury?{{c1::< 2}}
Published 12/13/2023 What is the goal oxygen delivery index for resuscitation after burn injury?{{c1::600 mL O2/min/m2}}
Published 12/13/2023 What is the goal PvO2 for resuscitation after burn injury?{{c1::35}}-{{c1::40}} mmHg
Published 12/13/2023 {{c2::Abdominal compartment syndrome}} is defined as intraabdominal pressure (IAP) > {{c1::20}} mmHg and evidence of organ dysfunction. 
Published 12/13/2023 Neuromuscular blockers {{c1::decrease}} the intraabdominal pressure (IAP).
Published 12/13/2023 Carbon monoxide poisoning impairs {{c1::oxidative phosphorylation}}, leading to a {{c2::metabolic acidosis}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 The preferred method of intubation in a burn patient is {{c1::awake fiberoptic}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 In burn patients, upregulation of {{c2::extrajunctional (immature) ACh}} receptors begins after {{c1::24 hours}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 Burn patients are particularly susceptible to {{c1::hypo}}thermia from {{c2::evaporation::heat loss mechanism}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 Burn patients may develop {{c1::hypermetabolic}} syndrome, which is characterized by {{c2::weight loss}} despite adequate nutrition. 
Published 12/13/2023 The {{c1::transverse abdominal plane (TAP)}} block is best suited for abdominal procedures involving {{c2::T9}} to {{c2::L1}} distribution. 
Published 12/13/2023 What type of transverse abdominal plane (TAP) block is required for midline incisions and laparoscopic surgery?{{c1::Bilateral}}
Published 12/13/2023 The abdominal wall muscles, from superficial to deep are:{{c2::External oblique}} muscle → {{c3::internal oblique}} muscle → {{c1::transverse abdomina…
Published 12/13/2023 The {{c1::anterolateral}} abdominal wall is innervated by the anterior rami of {{c2::T7}} - {{c2::L1}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 The landmarks of the TAP block form the {{c1::triangle of Petit}}:{{c2::External oblique muscle}}{{c3::Latissimus dorsi muscle}}{{c4::Iliac crest}}
Published 12/13/2023 How many pops are felt when performing a TAP block?{{c1::two}}
Published 12/13/2023 The two pops felt in a TAP block occur when the needle transverses the 1. {{c1::external oblique muscle}}2. {{c2::internal oblique muscle}}
Published 12/13/2023 The two most common complications of a transverse abdominal plane (TAP) block are {{c1::peritoneal}} punctures and {{c2::liver}} hematomas. 
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Algogenic}} is a stimulus that is normally expected to produce pain. 
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Neuropathy}} is impaired nerve function. 
Published 12/13/2023 What gender is more susceptible to complex regional pain syndrome?{{c1::Females}}
Published 12/13/2023 Treatment of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) involves {{c1::ketamine}} infusions.
Published 12/13/2023 Treatment of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) involves {{c1::memantine}}, an NMDA antagonist.
Published 12/13/2023 Use of a {{c1::neurolytic}} agent in a celiac plexus block may cause {{c2::retrograde migration}} of injectate. 
Published 12/13/2023 The only cranial nerve that has a meningeal sheath is the {{c1::optic}} nerve. 
Published 12/13/2023 Injection into the optic sheath can migrate towards the {{c2::optic chiasm}} and anesthetize cranial nerves {{c1::II + III}}.
Published 12/13/2023 Injection into the optic sheath can cause {{c1::contra}}lateral {{c2::amaurosis (blindness)}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 {{c2::Dilation}} of the {{c1::contralateral pupil}} after a retrobulbar block is predictive of {{c3::post-retrobulbar block apnea}} syndrome.&nbs…
Published 12/13/2023 What class of antibiotics are gentamycin and streptomycin?{{c1::Aminoglycosides}}
Published 12/13/2023 Tetracycline antibiotics are {{c1::hepato}}toxic and {{c2::nephro}}toxic. 
Published 12/13/2023 What dermatologic condition is caused by vancomycin?{{c1::Steven-Johnson syndrome}}
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Metronidazole}} is an antibiotic associated with peripheral neuropathy. 
Published 12/13/2023 How often should cefazolin be dosed during long surgeries?{{c1::Every 4 hours}}
Published 12/13/2023 Vancomycin disrupts {{c1::cell wall synthesis}} by preventing transpeptidation. 
Published 12/13/2023 Vancomycin should be administered at a rate of {{c1::10}} to {{c1::15}} mg/kg/hour. 
Published 12/13/2023 What drugs can be used to reduce vancomycin-induced histamine-release?{{c1::Diphenhydramine, cimetidine::2}}
Published 12/13/2023 The most important method of infection prevention is {{c1::handwashing}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 The most common source of bloodstream infections in hospitalized patients is {{c1::central venous catheters}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 According to the CDC, the preferred method of skin prep prior to central line placement is {{c1::chlorhexidine}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 Alcohol-based products must be allowed to dry for {{c1::two}} minute(s) to prevent a fire. 
Published 12/13/2023 Cardiac surgery patients must achieve a blood glucose < {{c1::200}} mg/dL at 6 AM postoperatively. 
Published 12/13/2023 All surgical patients must receive appropriate {{c1::hair}} removal at the incision site to preven tinfections. 
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Colorectal}} surgery patients must be normothermic upon arrival to PACU. 
Published 12/13/2023 Patients with influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) must be placed on {{c1::droplet}} precautions. 
Published 12/13/2023 Patients with tuberculosis must be placed on {{c1::airborne}} precautions. 
Published 12/13/2023 The most common cause of occupational exposure to HIV is {{c1::needle-stick injury. }}
Published 12/13/2023 What is the recommended infection-control precautions for Creutzfeld-Jakob disease?{{c1::Standard}}
Published 12/13/2023 What sputum test can test for tuberculosis?{{c1::Acid-fast bacillus}}
Published 12/13/2023 What blood test can test for tuberculosis?{{c1::Quantiferon}}
Published 12/13/2023 {{c2::Rifampin::tuberculosis drug}} is associated with {{c1::bone marrow}} suppression. 
Published 12/13/2023 Rifampin may cause {{c1::acute interstitial nephritis::renal}}.
Published 12/13/2023 Patients on airborne precautions are placed in {{c1::negative pressure isolation}} rooms. 
Published 12/13/2023 What procedures expose healthcare workers to tuberculosis?{{c1::Bronchoscopy and intubation}}
Published 12/13/2023 What masks are used in airborne precautions?{{c1::N95}}
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Three::#}} {{c1::negative acid-fast bacillus}} tests are required before elective surgery for a patient with tuberculosis. 
Published 12/13/2023 What mechanism of heat transfer is reduced by covering the patient?{{c1::Radiation}}
Published 12/13/2023 What mechanism of heat transfer is analogous to "wind chill"?{{c1::Convection}}
Published 12/13/2023 What mechanism of heat transfer occurs due to exposure of internal organs?{{c1::Evaporation}}
Published 12/13/2023 What mechanism of heat transfer occurs due to IV fluids?{{c1::Conduction}}
Published 12/13/2023 Is nasopharyngeal temperature a trend or absolute monitor of temperature?{{c1::Trend}}
Published 12/13/2023 What type of lasers are used for retinal surgery?{{c1::Ruby lasers}}
Published 12/13/2023 The ophthalmic artery divides into the {{c1::central retinal artery}} and {{c2::posterior ciliary arteries}}.
Published 12/13/2023 How does prone positioning affect intraocular pressure?{{c1::Increased}}
Published 12/13/2023 How does Trendelenburg positioning affect intraocular pressure?{{c1::Increased}}
Published 12/13/2023 How do anticholinergics affect intraocular pressure?{{c1::No effect}}
Published 12/13/2023 What airway device produces minimal changes in intraocular pressure?{{c1::LMA}}
Published 12/13/2023 What is the ligand for 5-HT3 receptors?{{c1::Serotonin}}
Published 12/13/2023 NSAIDs are associated with {{c1::secondary hypertension}} and subsequent heart failure. 
Published 12/13/2023 NSAIDs can displace {{c1::albumin}}-bound drugs. 
Published 12/13/2023 What activity levels is associated with the following scores on the Aldrete scale:0: {{c1::No movement}}1: {{c1::Moves 2 extremities + head lift}}2: {…
Published 12/13/2023 What respiration levels are associated with the following scores on the Aldrete scale:0: {{c1::Apnea}}1: {{c1::Dyspnea/shallow breathing}}2: {{c1…
Published 12/13/2023 What blood pressures are associated with the following scores on the Aldrete scale:0: {{c1::BP > 50 mmHg of baseline}}1: {{c1::BP within 20-50…
Published 12/13/2023 What levels of consciousness are associated with the following scores on the Aldrete scale:0: {{c1::Unresponsive to voice}}1: {{c1::Arousable to …
Published 12/13/2023 What oxygen saturation levels are associated with the following scores on the Aldrete scale:0: {{c1::< 90% on O2}}1: {{c1::> 90% on O2}}2: …
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