Notes in Glycogenesis and Glycogenolysis

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Published 08/28/2024 Glycogen phosphorylase is regulated via positive feedback by {{c1::glucagon}} (liver)
Published 08/28/2024 {{c1::a-1,6-Glycosidic bonds}} are connected by branches{{c2::a-1,4-Glycosidic bonds}} are connected in long chains
Published 08/28/2024 A reducing sugar has a reactive {{c1::aldehyde or ketone group}}. All {{c1::monosaccharides}} are reducing sugars. 
Published 08/28/2024 The structure of glycogen entails:{{c1::glycogenin}}, a central protein core{{c1::highly branched}}
Published 08/28/2024 {{c1::UDP-glucose}} is formed from UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase and is necessary in {{c1::glycogenin}} and {{c1::glycogen synthase}} enzyme function
Published 08/28/2024 {{c1::Glycogenin}} + {{c1::UDP Glucose}} adds the first {{c1::8}} glucose residues. {{c1::Glycogen synthase}} takes over afterward to extend the glyco…
Published 08/28/2024 {{c1::Glycogen synthase}} enzyme cleaves {{c1::glucose}} molecules from UDP-glucose to extend the glycogen molecule. It is {{c1::active}} wh…
Published 08/28/2024 Branching enzymes are responsible for creating {{c1::α-1,6 links}}, and are very exact. A block of {{c1::7}} residues must come from a chain of a…
Published 08/28/2024 {{c1::Glycogen phosphorylase}} is a {{c2::key regulatory enzyme}} in glycogenolysis/glycogen breakdown, cleaving glycogen to yield a {{c1::shorter gly…
Published 08/28/2024 Three enzymes work together to remodel glycogen during cleaving:{{c1::Phosphorylase}} cleaves {{c1::alpha 1,4 glycosidic bonds until there are 4 …
Published 08/28/2024 {{c1::Debranching enzyme}}, also known as {{c1::alpha 1,6 glucosidase}}, cleaves glycogen to form 1 {{c2::glucose molecule}} and a {{c2::shorter …
Published 08/28/2024 {{c1::Phosphoglucomutase}} catalyzes the inversion of {{c2::glucose 1-phosphate}} and {{c2::glucose 6-phosphate}} by creating a {{c1::g…
Published 08/28/2024 Allosteric regulation of glycogen metabolism involves the:Liver, regulated via {{c1::glucose}}Muscle, regulated via {{c1::AMP}}, {{c1::ATP}}, and {{c1…
Published 08/28/2024 {{c1::Glycogen phosphorylase a-Phosphorlyated}} is the default state in liver and is {{c1::active}} in the {{c1::R}} state{{c1::Glycogen phoshphorylas…
Published 08/28/2024 {{c1::Glycogen phosphorylase a-Phosphrylated}} goes from {{c2::R→ T}} state when {{c1::glucose}} is bound{{c1::Glycogen phosphorylase b}} goes from:{{…
Published 08/28/2024 Inhibition of glycogen synthesis involves a cyclic AMP cascade{{c1::Glucagon (liver) / Epinephrine (liver+muscle)}} → G-proteins + ATP → AMP → Protein…
Published 08/28/2024 Be able to draw this out:{{c1::.}}
Published 08/28/2024 {{c1::Epinephrine / glucagon}} → activates protein kinase A → {{c1::inhibits}} PP1 via two mechanisms:{{c1::phosphorlyation of Gm}}{{c1::binding of ph…
Published 08/28/2024 PP1 has a total of 3 subunits: {{c1::a PP1, inhibitor, and Gm. }}If {{c2::Gm}} is phosphorylated, it detaches and PP1 becomes {{c1::less}} active…
Published 08/28/2024 Hormonal stimulation of glycogenolysis:{{c1::glucagon / epinephrine}} stimulates {{c2::Protein kinase A (PKA)}} phosphorylation of:{{c1::Phosphorylase…
Published 08/28/2024 Hormonal stimulation of glycogen synthesis:{{c1::Insulin}} stimulates {{c2::insulin-sensitive kinase}} phosphorylation of:{{c1::PP1} → now {{c2::ACTIV…
Published 08/28/2024 {{c1::GSK3, glycogen synthase kinase}}, is inactivated when phosphorylated. {{c2::Insulin}} ultimately causes inactivation of {{c1::GSK3}}, which…
Published 08/28/2024 Phosphorylase kinasephos. = {{c1::active}}non-phose = {{c1::inactive}}substrate = {{c1::glycogen phosphorylase}}
Published 08/28/2024 Glycogen phosphorylasephos. = {{c1::active (a-form)}}non-phose = {{c1::inactive (b-form)}}substrate = {{c1::glycogen}}
Published 08/28/2024 Glycogen synthasephos. = {{c1::inactive (b-form)}}non-phose = {{c1::active (a-form)}}substrate = {{c1::UDP-glycogen / UDP-glucose}}
Published 08/28/2024 Protein Phosphatase 1 (PP1)less active = {{c1::PKA - Gm phosphorlated}}inactive = {{c1::PKA - inhibitor bound to active site}}active = {{c1::Gm + PP1 …
Published 08/28/2024 Summary of carbohydrate metabolism (last slide in lecture):{{c1::.}}
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