Notes in PHAR212

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PHAR212 L2
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Published 01/29/2024 What are the three types of drugs, and their uses?{{c1::Small molecules}} that interact with targets which include {{c2::receptors, ion channels, tran…
Published 01/29/2024 A receptor is a molecular complex that {{c1::binds drugs/endogenous agents resulting in a pharmacological/physiological response.}}
Published 01/29/2024 Agonist Vs. AntagonistAn agonist is {{c1::a drug that, when binding to a receptor, results in a pharmacological response}}An antagonist is {{c1::an ag…
Published 01/29/2024 Drug affinity is the {{c1::ability to bind to a receptor}}
Published 01/29/2024 Intrinsic activity is the {{c1::ability to produce a pharmacological action after binding}}
Published 01/29/2024 The reasoning why the maximal drug response plateaus is due to {{c1::all of the receptors being bound. }}
Published 01/29/2024 Relative Potencyrefers to how much drug produces a {{c1::fixed change}}is measured at the {{c1::halfway to maximum value point}}in this example, Drug …
Published 01/29/2024 Relative Efficacyrefers to how much the {{c1::maximum drug effect is/how intrinsically effective the drug}} isin this example, Drug X {{c1::has a high…
Published 01/29/2024 The {{c1::lower}} the effective concentration (EC), the more {{c1::potent}} the drug is
Published 01/29/2024 What is the primary difference between agonists and antagonists that interact at the same binding site? Agonists have {{c1::receptor affinity and intr…
Published 01/29/2024 Competitive Antagonism is where {{c1::the competitive antagonist and agonist compete as they bind to the same binding site.}} In order to elicit the r…
Published 01/29/2024 Piribedel is an example of a {{c1::partial agonist for dopamine}}. It has {{c1::high receptor affinity}} but {{c1::lowered intrinsic activity}}
Published 01/29/2024 Receptor specificity is the selectivity of agonist/anatagonist binding to a specific class of receptors. Different parts of a molecule can bind w…
Published 01/29/2024 How do you calculate the therapeutic index?{{c1::See the response (or # of people who respond a certain way) given a certain drug dosage}}Calculate th…
Published 01/29/2024 Why do we want a higher therapeutic index?
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