Notes in Exam 1

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Published 12/03/2023 What are the three main features of a psychological disorder?{{c1::Psychological dysfunction, distress or impairment, and abnormal cognition/emotion/b…
Published 12/03/2023 {{c1::Impairment}}{{c2::Your disorder is interfering with your job, relationships and/or daily routine. Set in context of one's background and culture…
Published 12/03/2023 {{c1::Psychological Dysfunction}}{{c2::Dysfunction in cognition, emotion, or behavior, and behavior is outside cultural norms}}
Published 12/03/2023 {{c1::Psychopathology}}{{c2::The study of psychological disorders scientifically}}
Published 12/03/2023 {{c1::Abnormal Behavior}}{{c2::A psychological dysfunction associated with distress or impairment in functioning that is not typical or culturally exp…
Published 12/03/2023 {{c1::Presenting Problem}}{{c2::Symptoms that are reported or observed by the practitioner}}
Published 12/03/2023 {{c1::Symptom}}{{c2::The subjective experience of an individual}}
Published 12/03/2023 {{c1::Signs}}{{c2::Observations by a professional}}
Published 12/03/2023 {{c1::Diagnosis}}{{c2::Identification of the presence of a disorder based on both signs and symptoms}}
Published 12/03/2023 {{c1::Disorder}}{{c2::Disruption to regular physical or mental function}}
Published 12/03/2023 {{c1::Disease}}{{c2::A pathophsyiological response to known internal or external factors}}
Published 12/03/2023 {{c1::Comorbidity}}{{c2::Occurence of two or more disorders in one individual}}
Published 12/03/2023 {{c1::Onset}}{{c2::How a disorder starts}}
Published 12/03/2023 {{c1::Acute}}{{c2::The sudden onset of a disorder. Examples include PTSD or Panic Disorder}}
Published 12/03/2023 {{c1::Insidious}}{{c2::When the onset of a disorder is difficult to track, comes on slowly and does not have obvious symptoms initially.}}
Published 12/03/2023 {{c1::Course}}{{c2::The pattern of a disorder.}}
Published 12/03/2023 Types of courses of disorders{{c1::Chronic, Episodic, Time-Limited}}
Published 12/03/2023 {{c1::Chronic}}{{c2::Disorder course: lasts a while & constant}}
Published 12/03/2023 The three dominant traditions that have been used to explain abnormal behavior{{c1::Supernatural, Biological, Psychological.}}
Published 12/03/2023 What are the five major conditioning processes?{{c1::Acquisition, Extinction, Spontaneous Recovery, Generalization, Discrimination}}
Published 12/03/2023 {{c2::Acquisition}}{{c1::The initial stage of learning a conditioned response, where a neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus}}
Published 12/03/2023 {{c1::Extinction}}{{c2::The gradual weakening of a conditioned response when a conditioned stimulus is presented alone without the coming of the uncon…
Published 12/03/2023 {{c1::Spontaneous Recovery}}{{c2::After a given period of extinction, the conditioned response suddenly reappears}}
Published 12/03/2023 {{c1::Generalization}}{{c2::The tendency to respond to a stimulus similar to the conditioned stimulus}}
Published 12/03/2023 {{c1::Discrimination}}{{c2::The learned ability to distinguish between the conditioned stimulus and other similar stimuli}}
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