Notes in Lecture 7

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Published 10/19/2024 When peaks {{c1::disapear}}, it means extreme {{c2::increase}} in lineshapes
Published 10/19/2024 The spin is {{c1::pulsed}} by the {{c2::NMR probe}} --> the spin {{c1::relaxation}} produces the signal 
Published 10/19/2024 the {{c1::FID}} relfects the change in magnitude of {{c2::Mxy}} as the signal is changing relative to the receiver along the {{c2::y axis }}
Published 10/19/2024 {{c1::Fourier transform}} is the mathmetical transformation that converts {{c2::time}} domain signal to {{c2::frequency}} domain spectrum 
Published 10/19/2024 NMR experiements yields the following information {{c1::Chemcial shift:}} frequency of signal {{c1::Intensity}}: population of spins, confor…
Published 10/19/2024 {{c1::HSQC}} is a {{c2::2D}} experiment which correlates a {{c3::proton}} with its directly bound {{c3::heternuclei (N or C)}}
Published 10/19/2024 {{c1::Magnetization}} is {{c2::multi-dimensional NMR}} an be transferred between nuclei 
Published 10/19/2024 Structural determination based on {{c1::assignments}} 
Published 10/19/2024 increase in concentration of NMR {{c1::active nuclei}} --> increased {{c2::peak intensities }}
Published 10/19/2024 NMR can track changed in chemical shift positions: {{c1::Chemical shift pertubations}}
Published 10/19/2024 {{c1::more folded}} regions in the protein show higher {{c2::peak intensity}} and better {{c2::resolution}} 
Published 10/19/2024 Peak intensities can give an idea about the state of the {{c1::secondary strcture}} of the biomolecule 
Published 10/19/2024 {{c2::Unfolded::folded or unfolded}} proteins has smaller {{c1::peaks}} and low {{c1::resolution}} 
Published 10/19/2024 {{c1::Highly flexible::rigid or flexible?}} residues tumble {{c2::faster}} and therefore their peak intensities are very {{c2::high}}
Published 10/19/2024 {{c1::Rigid:: rigid or flexible?}} residues tumble {{c2::slowly}} and therefore have {{c2::weaker}} peak intensities 
Published 10/19/2024 {{c1::Lineshape}} analysis provides information about the {{c2::exchange regime }}
Published 10/19/2024 {{c1::Exchange regime:}} how fast/slow interaction and assembly of the protein and ligand 
Published 10/19/2024 4e80247b643343dbbdd9a5bbabc66838-ao-1
Published 10/19/2024 4e80247b643343dbbdd9a5bbabc66838-ao-2
Published 10/19/2024 {{c1::Lineshape}} also provides information about the change in {{c2::size}} of the {{c2::tumbling}} molecules
Published 10/19/2024 Peak disapearing...Gives evidence of {{c1::bigger sized}} complexes forming at the timescale of these experience 
Published 10/19/2024 {{c1::Relaxation}} studies also provide insights into {{c2::dynamics}} and {{c2::motions}} associated with biomolecules
Published 10/19/2024 torque {{c1::small}}small molecules{{c2::fast}} tumbling{{c2::slow}} relaxation / {{c2::low}} R^2
Published 10/19/2024 torque {{c1::large}}{{c2::large}} moleciles{{c2::slow}} tumbling{{c2::fast}} relaxation / {{c2::high}} R^2
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