Review Note

Last Update: 05/01/2023 12:02 PM

Current Deck: Ankore 2E::14 Pediatric Imaging::01 Pediatric airway



Pediatric Imaging: Airway

A {{c2::left}} aortic arch with an aberrant {{c2::right}} {{c3::subclavian}} artery does not cause {{c4::stridor}}, but when symptomatic may cause {{c1::dysphagia (dysphagia lusoria)}}. 
Extra Info

Interesting historyDysphagia lusoria is a term used to describe dysphagia as a consequence of vascular compression of the esophagus. Bayford coined the term itself meaning “freak or jest of nature” in 1761 in describing a case of longstanding dysphagia leading to emaciation and eventual death of a 62-year old female patient
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