Review Note
Last Update: 06/26/2023 03:56 PM
Current Deck: PA Summer 23 Seth::Psych and Behavioral Med::3. Eating disorders
anorexia nervosa → specific types and severity
- specify type
- binge-eating / purging type → episodes of {{c1::binge/purge}} behavior in the last {{c1::3 months}}
- weight loss via self-induced vomiting, laxatives/diuretics/enemas
- restricting type
- absence of binge a/o purge behavior in the last three months
- weight loss via dieting, fasting a/o excessive exercise
specific severity
- mild → BMI >{{c2::17kg/m2}}
- moderate → BMI {{c2::16-16.99 kg/m2}}
- severe → BMI {{c2::15-15.99 kg/m2}}
- extreme → BMI < {{c2::15kg/m2}}
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