Review Note
Last Update: 09/15/2023 09:53 PM
Current Deck: All Exams P1::IE #1::PHARM 131
Rotavirus Q1
What are the two brands/types of Rotavirus vaccines? Describe them. How many doses for each, and how many mL per dose?
What are the two brands/types of Rotavirus vaccines? Describe them. How many doses for each, and how many mL per dose?
Rotateq (RV5, Merck)
Rotarix (Rv1, GSK)
- Oral solution in ready-to-use dosing tubes
- 3 doses
- 1.0 mL/dose
Rotarix (Rv1, GSK)
- Oral vaccine requires reconstitution before administration
- 2 doses
- 2.0 mL/dose
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