Review Note

Last Update: 10/22/2023 09:22 PM

Current Deck: All Exams P1::Pharm116 Exam#2::Handout 3



Reaction 3: Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (Irreversible)
  • {{c1::Isocitrate 6C + NAD+}} → {{c1::NADH + H+ + CO2 + alpha-Ketoglutarate 5C}}
  • Hydride ion transfer 
  • Dehydrogenase usually involve {{c2::oxidation-reduction reactions}} 
  • Oxidative decarboxylation reaction 
    • {{c4::Oxidation}}- {{c3::electrons transferred to NAD+ to make NADH}} 
    • {{c4::Decarboxylation}}- {{c3::CO2 released}} 
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