Review Note
Last Update: 11/30/2023 08:18 AM
Current Deck: All Exams P1::Pharm116 Exam#3::Handout 8
Control via gene or chromatin alteration (Part 2 of 3)
Methylation of DNA
– Methylation of {{c1::cytosine}} residues to form {{c1::5-methylcytosine}}
– Methylation occurs at {{c1::GC-rich regions (CpG islands)}} near or in the promoter region of a gene
– {{c1::Cytosine methylation}} silences the transcription
– e.g. Globin genes are extensively methylated in nonred blood cells
– Biomarkers of aging: {{c1::increase}} DNA methylation -> {{c1::increase}} intrinsic aging
Methylation of DNA
– Methylation of {{c1::cytosine}} residues to form {{c1::5-methylcytosine}}
– Methylation occurs at {{c1::GC-rich regions (CpG islands)}} near or in the promoter region of a gene
– {{c1::Cytosine methylation}} silences the transcription
– e.g. Globin genes are extensively methylated in nonred blood cells
– Biomarkers of aging: {{c1::increase}} DNA methylation -> {{c1::increase}} intrinsic aging
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Cytosine methylation also named hypermethylation that silences.
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