Review Note
Last Update: 01/07/2024 11:38 AM
Current Deck: Tropical Med::HIV: Clinical Presentation & Opportunistic Infections
HIV opportunistic infections
- Respiratory - acute cough and fever
- Fungal
- Pneumocystis jirovercii pneumonia (PJP)
- Spread - {{c1::person to person airborne}}
- Symptoms - {{c1::fever, cough, SOB, chest pain, chills, fatigue }}
- Diagnosis - {{c2::sputum sample to culture/ microscopy/ PCr and Beta-d-glucan }}
- Treat - {{c2::co-trimoxazole and prednisolone, or alternatives (dapsone or pentamidine)}}
- Prophylaxis with {{c2::co-trimoxazole}} if CD4+ <{{c2::200}}
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