Review Note

Last Update: 09/03/2024 08:01 PM

Current Deck: Tropical Med::Arboviruses/Rickettsia/Borrelia



  1. {{c2::Lyme disease}} due to {{c1::Borrelia burgdorferi}} infection 
    1. Seen in temperate climates in europe and north america 
    2. Vector is {{c3::hard ticks of Ixodes genus}}
    3. Clinically 
      1. Early localized infection 
        1. {{c4::
        2. Erythema migrans - bulls eye rash 
        3. Non specific viral like symptoms 
        4. }}
      2. Early disseminated infection 
        1. {{c5::
        2. Distant erythema migrans 
        3. Carditis 
        4. Neuroborreliosis - meningitis, radiculitis and nerve palsy 
        5. }}
      3. Late disseminated infection 
        1. {{c6::
        2. Arthritis 
        3. Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans (ACA)
        4. Chronic neuroborreliosis (neuropathy and encephalomyelitis)
        5. }}
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