Review Note

Last Update: 01/14/2024 12:31 PM

Current Deck: ✪ YEAR 1::★ 2nd Bimonthly::✦ Exam #2: The Immune System, Blood Groups, & Hemostasis::♠ Buddycards: Module 5 SGD Parts 3 & 4::🏃 Javier::✪ CU



The serum has negative results for a cells and b cells. The individual most probably is:

A. Type A
B. Type B
C. Type AB
D. Type O
C. Type AB

Since there are no A cells and B cells

The individual is most probably typed as AB. In reverse
typing, patient’s serum (contatining possible anitbodies)
is made to react with known A and B cells. If no
agglulatination is observed for both known A and B
cells, therefore, the patient’s serum has no anti-A and
anti-B antibodies. Thus, typing the patient as AB.

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