Review Note
Last Update: 01/14/2024 12:31 PM
Current Deck: ✪ YEAR 1::★ 2nd Bimonthly::✦ Exam #2: The Immune System, Blood Groups, & Hemostasis::♠ Buddycards: Module 5 SGD Parts 3 & 4::🏃 Javier::✪ CU
A patient is in need of blood transfusion, her blood typing result was
Anti-A(+), Anti-B(+), A cell (-), B cell(-), Ocell(-).
Her possible donor's blood typing result was
Anti-A(-), Anti-B(-), A cell(+), B cell(+), O cell(-).
What will be the result if the cross matching?
A. Compatible major and minor cross matching
B. Incompatible major and minor cross matching
C. Compatible major, incompatible minor cross
D. Incompatible major, compatible minor cross
C. Compatible major, incompatible minor cross
Patient:Type AB - universal recipient
Donor: Type O - universal donor
The crossmatch consists of two parts: the major
crossmatch which consists of mixing the patient’s
serum with the donor’s red cells; and the minor
crossmatch which consists of mixing the donor’s
plasma with the patient’s red cells (trans)
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