Review Note

Last Update: 01/14/2024 12:31 PM

Current Deck: ✪ YEAR 1::★ 2nd Bimonthly::✦ Exam #2: The Immune System, Blood Groups, & Hemostasis::♠ Buddycards: Module 5 SGD Parts 3 & 4::🏃 Javier::✪ CU



Which of the following is correctly matched with a glycoprotein?

a. Collagen Ic/IIa
b. Fibrinogen IIb/IIIa
c. Thrombospondin 1c/Ib
d. Vwf Ia/IIa
b. Fibrinogen IIb/IIIa

Answer: B
These are glycoproteins secreted during platelet aggregation:
IIb/IIIa - attachment to fibrinogen, fibrinogen → platelet
IV - glycoprotein for thrombospondin → connects platelet → fibrinogen
P2Y12 - receptor for ADP
Ia/IIa - attachment to collagen, collagen → platelet
Ic/IIa - attachment to laminin and fibronectin (found in CT)
Therefore, the only correctly paired among the choices is B.
Fibrinogen is to IIb/IIIa.
vWF – 1b/1a
collagen – 1a/2a
fibrinogen – 2b/3a
thrombospondin – gp4
nice to know:
fibronectin and laminin – 1c/2a
ADP –p2y12

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