Review Note
Last Update: 01/14/2024 12:31 PM
Current Deck: ✪ YEAR 1::★ 2nd Bimonthly::✦ Exam #4: Gas Exchange, Perfusion, Alveolar Ventilation, Regulation of Respiration & Reflexes::♠ Buddycards: Mod 6 Parts 1 & 2::🏃 Javier::✪ AM
The membrane junctions present in the intercalated disc:
1 Macula Adherens
2 Zonula Adherens
3 Nexus
4 Zonula Occludens
1 Macula Adherens
2 Zonula Adherens
3 Nexus
Transverse regions of the intercalated discs are composed of many desmosomes and fascia adherens junctions, which together provide strong intercellular adhesion during the cells’ constant contractile activity. The less abundant, longitudinally oriented regions run parallel to the myofibrils and are filled with gap junctions that provide ionic continuity between cells.
Reference: Anthony L. Mescher - Junqueira's Basic Histology 14th Ed–p.207
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