Review Note

Last Update: 01/14/2024 12:31 PM

Current Deck: ✪ YEAR 1::★ 2nd Bimonthly::✦ Exam #5: Anatomy of the Heart, Cardiac Skeleton, and Conduction System; Cardiac Electrophysiology and the Electrocardiogram::♠ Buddycards: Mod 7 Part 1 and Tasks 1 - 5::🌊 Aquaflask::✪ JL



21. Which major layer of the heart consists of a thin layer of endothelium with a supporting connective tissue layer containing smooth muscle fibers?
A Pericardium
B Endocardium
C Myocardium
D Epicardium
B Endocardium

Reference: Junquiera’s Basic Histology: Text and Atlas [15E], p.215

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