Review Note
Last Update: 01/24/2024 07:14 PM
Current Deck: Dentistry::High Yield::Oral Medicine
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What are the clinical features of dermatitis herpetiformis?
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Chronic, pruritic, papulovesicular rash on the buttocks, elbows and knees
Clinical features: chronic, pruritic, papulovesicular rash on the buttocks, elbows and knees
Associated with: coeliac disease
Immunofluorescence: granular deposition of IgA in the dermal papillae
Treatment: gluten-free diet and dapsone
Associated with: coeliac disease
Immunofluorescence: granular deposition of IgA in the dermal papillae
Treatment: gluten-free diet and dapsone
Front 2
What disease is dermatitis herpetiformis associated with?
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Coeliac disease
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What does dermatitis herpetiformis show on immunofluorescence?
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Granular deposition of IgA in the dermal papillae
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