Review Note
Last Update: 01/24/2024 07:14 PM
Current Deck: Dentistry::High Yield::Oral Surgery
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What is the management of pain in the third molar region if the third molar is non-diseased?
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Leave impacted third molars with no associated disease. Manage other diagnosises which may mimic odontogenic pain in the third molar region.
FDS 2020: Parameters of care for patients undergoing mandibular third molar surgery
FDS 2020: Parameters of care for patients undergoing mandibular third molar surgery
There are two reasons why impacted third molars should not be operated on:
1. There is no reliable research to suggest that removing impacted third molars benefits patients.
2. Patients are exposed to the risks of surgery
1. There is no reliable research to suggest that removing impacted third molars benefits patients.
2. Patients are exposed to the risks of surgery
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