Review Note

Last Update: 02/13/2024 01:42 AM

Current Deck: Spring 2024 P1 Semester::Spring 2024 IE #2::Pharm 221



X2 and Fisher’s exact

These tests compared {{c1::the expected frequency}} vs. {{c1::the observed frequency of results}} to determine {{c1::the possibility of the difference being due to change}}
◦ E.g) 5% of individuals receiving Shingrix get shingles vs. 15% of individuals given placebo get shingles and you test to see if 
{{c2::this difference is due to change
All groups being tested by the chi-squared test must have {{c2::MORE than 5 values}}
◦ Many 
{{c2::large, well-designed}} studies use chi-squared testing

If any or all groups have {{c3::LESS than 5 values,}} the {{c3::Fisher’s exact test}} must be used
◦ Usually only seen in 
{{c3::small-group studies of rare diseases}}

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