Review Note
Last Update: 02/13/2024 01:42 AM
Current Deck: Spring 2024 P1 Semester::Spring 2024 IE #2::Pharm 221
Carryover effect
◦ Outcomes/effects that {{c1::remain after the previous treatment phase is completed}}
◦ Can be due to{{c1::long t½ of the various drugs}}
Carryover effect
◦ Outcomes/effects that {{c1::remain after the previous treatment phase is completed}}
◦ Can be due to{{c1::long t½ of the various drugs}}
Washout period
◦ Time {{c2::between treatments to allow for the prior treatment to be “washed out” of the patient’s body so they return to baseline before a new treatment is started}}
◦ Deal with potential for {{c2:: carryover effects using washout periods}}
◦ Time {{c2::between treatments to allow for the prior treatment to be “washed out” of the patient’s body so they return to baseline before a new treatment is started}}
◦ Deal with potential for {{c2:: carryover effects using washout periods}}
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