Review Note

Last Update: 02/18/2024 05:30 AM

Current Deck: Part 2::1. Subsites::CNS::Malignant spinal cord compression



CNS | MSCC | 2.2 | Management | Immediate management | Describe the immediate management of a patient with malignant spinal cord compression
  • Analgesia
  • Bed rest (nurse in a supine position if any possibility of spinal instability - once spinal instability excluded, no need to confine pt to bed)
  • Bladder and bowel care
    • If required - IDC + daily enemas / aperients
  • +/- DVT prophylaxis
  • If clinical evidence of myelopathy, commence steroids whilst awaiting MRI - steroids reduce vasogenic edema. Use dexamethasone 8mg BD + PPI
Further information, not for memorising (no card)

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