Review Note
Last Update: 02/18/2024 05:30 AM
Current Deck: Part 2::1. Subsites::CNS::Pituitary tumours
CNS | Pituitary tumours | 1.5.2 | Pathology | Pituitary carcinoma
- Definition: Histologically identical to pituitary adenoma. Defined as tumours that have metastasized
- Epidemiology
- I: Rare!! (0.5% of pituitary tumours)
- A: 4th - 6th decades
- S: M=F
- Risk factors
- Pituitary adenoma
- Biologic behaviour
- G: Progression form adenoma; latency varies from 4 months to 18 years
- P: Often locally invasive
- N: -
- M: Intracranial metastases present by definition
- Prognosis: Poor. Median survival 12 months
- R:
- May be refractory to medical treatment
- Chemotherapy trialled: temozolomide, CCNU with varying results
- Highly aggressive
- Microscopic appearance
- Identical to pituitary adenoma
- IHC:
- Elevated Ki67 index
- Molecular
- P53 (100% cf. 7% in adenomas)
Further information, not for memorising (no card)
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