Review Note
Last Update: 02/18/2024 05:30 AM
Current Deck: Part 2::1. Subsites::Gastrointestinal tract::Anal cancer
Treatment breaks
Treatment Breaks
- Finish RT within 53 days. Around 33% of pts tx with 5-FU/MMC need 7d break due to derm toxicity.
- One week interruption in standard CCRT (54 Gy) leads to 68% increase in risk of colostomy.
- RTOG 9208 [John CJSA '96]: Planned 2w tx break. BUT, dose escalation to 59.4. Compared to 87-04.
Avoid treatment breaks if at all possible. Average treatment break of 7d in 33% of pts in 98-11. - Only 66 pts, 46 2w break, 20 no break. 59.4 Gy including a two week break.
- G3+ dermal in 87-04 / 92-08 of 55→ 34%.
- 1y colostomy in 87-04 / 92-08 of 6→ 23%, 2y colostomy in 87-04 / 92-08 of 7→ 30%.
- This trial was later amended to no treatment break (n=20).
- Pooled analysis of RTOG 87-04 / 98-11 [Ben-Josef JCO '10]:
Tx duration (± 53 days) associated with LRF and TTF. - Finish RT within 8 weeks (53d), as one week delay results in 68% increased risk of colostomy!
Further information, not for memorising (no card)
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