Review Note

Last Update: 02/18/2024 05:30 AM

Current Deck: Part 2::1. Subsites::Gastrointestinal tract::Pancreatic cancer::Exocrine pancreas



GI | Pancreas | Exocrine | 2.4 | Imaging appearance | Briefly describe the appearance of pancreatic cancer on abdominal ultrasound, CT, ERCP and MRI
Appearance on imaging
Imaging modalityAppearance of pancreatic cancerSensitivity
Abdominal ultrasoundHypoechoic, hypovascular solid mass with irregular margins;
Dilated bile ducts may also be present
95% for tumours >3cm; much lower for smaller tumours
Abdominal CTIll-defined, hypoattenuating mass within the pancreas.
Smaller lesions may be isoattenuating (difficult to identify, esp. non non-contrast CT);
Tumour enhances poorly compared to adjacent normal pancreatic tissue and thus appears hypodense on arterial pahse scans, may become isodense on delayed scans;
Secondary signs incl. "double duct sign"
Triple phase ("pancreatic protocol") CT most sensitive.
100% for >2cm;
75% for <2cm
ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography)Stricture in pancreatic duct. Obstruction/dilation of CBD+pancreatic duct (double duct sign); May miss tumours in uncinate process, accessory duct and tail
MRIT1/T1 FS: Hypointense cf. normal pancreas;
T1+C" Slower enhancement than normal pancreas;
T2/FLAIR: not useful;
MRCP: double duct sign may be seen

Double duct sign: Dilation of both the pancreatic duct and common bile duct, seen in ~70% but not diagnostic. Can also be seen in 50% of ampullary carcinomas, and occasionally in benign adenomas and autoimmune pancreatitis
Further information, not for memorising (no card)

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