Review Note

Last Update: 02/18/2024 05:30 AM

Current Deck: Part 2::1. Subsites::Head and Neck::Larynx and Hypopharynx



H&N | Larynx+Hypopharynx | 2.2 | Appearance on nasendoscopy | Hypopharynx
Typical findings on nasendoscopy for hypopharynx tumours
  • Closure or obliteration of the pyriform fossa
  • Mucosal ulceration
  • Pooling of saliva in the pyriform fossa
  • Edema of the arytenoids
  • Fixation of the cricoarytenoid joint, true vocal cords or both

Further tips
  • The full extent of tumours on the posterior pharyngeal wall can be difficult ot appreciate on FNE
  • Early pyriform sinus tumours canbe subtle and examination with a modified valsalva manouvre during FNE while letting the patient blow against closed lips can be helpful, since a normal pyriform sinus mucosa will distend
  • EUA is desirable: Direct laryngoscopy performed in the operating room allows an accurate evaluation of superficial tumour spread and extent
Further information, not for memorising (no card)

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