Review Note

Last Update: 02/18/2024 05:30 AM

Current Deck: Part 2::1. Subsites::Head and Neck::Salivary gland tumours



H&N | Salivary gland | 3.8 | Estimated risk of LN involvement - Dutch data (Terhaarrd et al. IJROBP 2007)
  • ASTRO 2012 suggests adjuvant RT to LNs if risk >20-25%
  • For parotid tumours - score >=4; treat level IB-III
  • For all submandibular tumours (except T1 acinic or adenoid cystic) treat level I-III
  • For hig grade minor salivar tumours inthe tongue, floor of mouth, pharynx or larynx

UCSF (university of california) 2007 250ps and MSK 1992 450pts
  • Looked at elective nodal treatment
  • Identified high risk factors as (failure risk 20-50%)
    • High grade tumours (SCC, adenocarcinoma and undifferentiated carcinoma)
    • T3/4 disease
    • Primary size >4cm
Further information, not for memorising (no card)


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