Review Note
Last Update: 02/18/2024 05:30 AM
Current Deck: Part 2::1. Subsites::Paediatrics::CNS malignancies::Ependymoma
System | Site | Histology | Clinical scenario
Clinical scenario
Assessment - History and examination
Assessment - Investigations (incl. diagnostic and staging)
Management Summary
Management - Initial management (where relevant, for scenarios with a time-critical element)
Management detail 1 - principles, techniques (e.g. surgical, RT, chemotherapy agents & doses), sequencing of treatments, toxicities, expected benefits, expected early and late toxicity, modification of treatment for pregnant patient
Answer to management detail 1
Management detail 2
Answer to management detail 2
Management detail 3
Answer to management detail 3
Management detail 4
Answer to management detail 4
Management detail 5
Answer to management detail 5
Management detail 6
Answer to management detail 6
Summary of key evidence
Outcomes Discuss the risk of relapse and typical time course (including range) for relapse dependent on risk factors for failure
Continuing care Discuss an appropriate follow-up program, including imaging
Local recurrence - assessment
Local recurrence - management summary, including anticipated outcomes from further treatment (including probabilities of salvage (i.e. cure) or symptom relief
Regional recurrence - assessment
Regional recurrence - management summary, including antifcipated outcomes from further treatment (incluidng probabilities of salvage (i.e. cure) or symptom relief
Distant recurrence - assessment
Distant recurrence - management summary, including antifcipated outcomes from further treatment (including probabilities of salvage (i.e. cure) or symptom relief
Late toxicities of radiotherapy and their management
Selection and monitoring of patients at higher risk for subsequent malignancies
Selection of patients and relatives for assessment at familial cancer clinics
Unused 10
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Unused 21
Additional question 7
Answer to additional question 7
Additional question 8
Answer to additional question 8
Suggested Changes:
Deck Changes (Suggestion to move the Note to the following Deck):
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