Review Note
Last Update: 02/20/2024 07:58 PM
Current Deck: MEDU 2300 - Human Structure I (Compendium)::[2] Abdomen::[2.7] Kidneys, Adrenals and Posterior Abdomen (Oscar)::kidneys, adrenals
What is the anatomical path of the ureter?
- {{c1::Lies along the tips of the transverse processes}}
- {{c2::Along the anterior edge of the psoas muscle}}
- {{c3::Crosses over iliac bifurcation}}
- {{c4::Crosses in front of the sacroiliac joint}}
- {{c5::Swings out to the ischial spine}}
- {{c6::Passes medially to the bladder}}
- {{c7::Incorporates into the trigone}}
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