Review Note
Last Update: 03/13/2024 09:06 PM
Current Deck: Spring 2024 P1 Semester::Spring 2024 IE #4::Pharm 221
likert type items
- {{c1::Ordinal}} survey questions
- Usually has {{c1::5-7}} response options
- {{c2::Limited}} responses --> {{c3::closed-ended}} questions
- Can be easy to come up with, but should be {{c2::validated}} prior to use
- Format
- {{c4::Question}}
- Q: How satisfied were you with your visit to the hospital today?
- A: {{c3::Very satisfied, satisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, dissatisfied, very dissatisfied}}
- {{c4::Statement}} response
- Please respond to the following statements
- The read and dissect activity was beneficial to my learning
- {{c3::Strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree}}
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