Review Note
Last Update: 03/26/2024 08:53 PM
Current Deck: Spring 2024 P1 Semester::Pharm 232 (new)::Pharm 232 Lecture 7-8-9
RBC Indices -- MCH and MCHC
- MCH - {{c1::Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin}}
- {{c1::Amount of Hgb per RBC cell count}}
- {{c3::(Hgb/RBC count) x10 = MCH}}
- Low is seen in {{c4::IDA and thalassemia}}
- High is seen in {{c4::macrocytosis}}
- MCHC – {{c2::Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration}}
- {{c2::Concentration of Hgb per dL of RBC}}
- {{c3::Hgb/(MCV x RBC) = MCHC}}
- Low is the same as above
- High is unusual and is seen in rarer diseases.
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