Review Note
Last Update: 05/10/2024 01:12 AM
Current Deck: DS1 Spring OHSU::MB721::MB721 - exam #2
What kind of immunity are the following involved in?
1) Th1
2) Th2
3) Th3
4) Th17
5) Tc
6) Treg
1) Th1
2) Th2
3) Th3
4) Th17
5) Tc
6) Treg
1) Th1 = cellular immunity
2) Th2 = humoral immunity
3) Th3 = mucosal humoral immunity
4) Th17 = help inflammation (antigen specific)
5) Tc = kill target cells
6) Treg = inhibit immune responses
2) Th2 = humoral immunity
3) Th3 = mucosal humoral immunity
4) Th17 = help inflammation (antigen specific)
5) Tc = kill target cells
6) Treg = inhibit immune responses
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