Review Note

Last Update: 06/05/2024 03:14 PM

Current Deck: SLS Cards::8. Acute renal failure/ electrolyte disorders

New Card



Suggested Changes:

Deck Changes (Suggestion to move the Note to the following Deck):

Field Changes:

What is the formula you would use to determine if a metabolic acidosis is compensated or decompensated?
Winter's formula determines expected PaCO2 for the degree of metabolic acidosis.

Expected pCO2 = (1.5*HCO3-) + 8 +/- 2

Then, compare actual to expected
  • If actual pCO2 is within range of expected, the metabolic acidosis is compensated
  • If actual pCO2 is > expected --> there is also a respiratory acidosis
  • If actual pCO2 is < expected --> there is also a respiratory alkalosis

Tag Changes: