Review Note

Last Update: 07/03/2024 12:48 AM

Current Deck: Arabic & Islam::Arabic::Vocabulary



{{c1::عدد}} refers to the {{c2::count or quantity}}, while {{c1::رقم}} refers to the {{c2::numeral or digit representation}}
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‎1. **عدد الطلاب في الصف هو ثلاثون.**
   - Translation: The number of students in the class is thirty.
   - Explanation: Here, "عدد" (addad) refers to the quantity or count of students.

‎2. **رقم الهاتف الخاص بي هو 123456789.**
   - Translation: My phone number is 123456789.
   - Explanation: Here, "رقم" (raqam) refers to a specific number used for identification, such as a phone number.

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