Review Note
Last Update: 08/22/2024 06:07 AM
Current Deck: Chem Unit 3 T1 Chemical Equilirbium Systems::U3 T2 Redox Reactions
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What does the salt bridge do in a Galvanic Cell
The salt bridge ensures electrical neutrality and prevents charge buildup in the half cells.
For example (Zn|Zn2+||Cu2+|Cu), as Zn undergoes oxidation and transfer electrons to the reduction half cell an ion Zn2+ is released into the electrolyte solution. To counteract the positive charge, the salt bridge which contains a solution of a salt such as KCl dissociates sending an anion Cl- to form ZnCl2.
Vice versa, as Cu2+ undergoes reduction to become Cu, the reduction half cell becomes negatively charged; thus, the salt bridge will send a cation to counterract.
The salt bridge also completes the circuit thorugh providing a path of ion flow to maintain ionic balance.
For example (Zn|Zn2+||Cu2+|Cu), as Zn undergoes oxidation and transfer electrons to the reduction half cell an ion Zn2+ is released into the electrolyte solution. To counteract the positive charge, the salt bridge which contains a solution of a salt such as KCl dissociates sending an anion Cl- to form ZnCl2.
Vice versa, as Cu2+ undergoes reduction to become Cu, the reduction half cell becomes negatively charged; thus, the salt bridge will send a cation to counterract.
The salt bridge also completes the circuit thorugh providing a path of ion flow to maintain ionic balance.
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