Review Note

Last Update: 08/26/2024 12:07 PM

Current Deck: 6108::Physiology::Male Reproduction



explain the 8 stages of the cycle
If you go along the seminiferous tubule, every slice is at a slightly different stage of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. ALL CYLCING INDEPENDENTLY. Always multiple points where there is sperm being released into the lumen.
8 different stages - think of the bottom BM and lumen at the top
Down the bottom we have very immature spermatagonia.
Up the top we have the spermatids.
8 different stages of the cycles seminiferous epithelium.
      labelled 1-8 laterally along the page. If we were at a seminiferous tubule going along here, that at each slice you are going through 1-8 in that one plane. Takes in the bull 13.5 days in the bull to go 1-8 to get the elongated spermatids at the top to be released. Once they get to 8 they go back to 1 again. When they go from 8 back to 1 they release sperm into the lumen.
Constant supply of sperm because they are all sitting at different stages.

(J (J @ B@t079 
AO, A, , A2. A3, In = Spermatogonia; I.e. Z P, O, = Spermatocytes; r, L = Spermatids 
8 stages of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium in 
the bull

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